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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
How to Identify and Care for an Adele
The Adele (Nymphaea) is a water lily. It is an aquatic plant, which means it lives in water only. The cultivar is Adele and the plant family is Nymphaeaceae. The Adele is generally used for landscaping. It thrives in zones 4 to 10, and there is no AHS Heat Zone defined for this plant. If the water i
How to Grow Crookneck Squash Inside
Crookneck squash is a summer squash that has a narrow neck and a rounder lower portion. The squash is low maintenance, and will grow indoors in a sunny spot out of drafts. Growing the plant in a container indoors can save you space in the garden, or provide you with home grown squash if you do not h
Sunflower Seed Varieties
Sunflowers were brought to Europe around 1500 by Spanish explorers of North America.Jupiterimages/ ImagesSunflower seeds are most well-known as a salted snack available at every grocery store and gas station across the U.S. The National Sunflower Association reports that...
Boxwood Shrub Alternatives
Many boxwood shrubs are small plants, reaching a mature height and width of around 3 to 4 feet. They like sun to partial shade and enjoy moist, well-drained soil. They may have green or yellow-green leaves and can grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 to 8. Boxwood shrubs often take on a rounded form
How to Split a Hosta
The hosta, a popular perennial landscaping plant, benefits from its rapid reproduction system. By splitting hosta roots, one plant can quickly turn into a hosta border or garden. These large-leafed plants add a rich texture to a flower garden.Some hosta varieties sport tall,
How to Grow Bamboo in Pots
Bamboo plants are easy to grow as long as certain rules are followed. Bamboo loves sunlight, but more shade while young. The plants need lots of water, fertilizer aids in growth, and keeping weeds away is important. Bamboo grows best outside in the ground, but growing it in pots is possible. Better
How to Care for an Indoor Plant Called Calathea
Calathea is a decorative tropical plant that is often used as a potted house plant because of its beautiful foliage. In its native regions, such as Thailand, the leaves are used for wrapping fish for exports and making decorative containers as a tourist attraction. Calathea is somewhat temperamental
How to Fertilize Ornamental Plums
Ornamental plum trees look almost identical to standard plum trees, but they produce no fruit. They still offer masses of flower blooms in the spring, and most develop berries that provide food for birds and other wildlife. Although ornamental plums do not produce fruit, they still require adequate
How to Grow Grapes & Control Pests
Grapes can be eaten fresh off the vine, and they're also used to make jams, jellies, grape juice and wine. Grapes are a surprisingly hardy fruit, and when given the proper care, can grow in most climates. Planting grapes in your yard allows you to provide yourself and your family with your own suppl
Watering Systems for Greenhouses
Learn about watering systems for greenhouses.large greenhouse image by Adrian Hillman from Fotolia.comPlants that thrive in greenhouses are obviously deprived of rain coming from the atmosphere and therefore are entirely dependent on greenhouse watering systems for moisture. By knowing...
How to Plant Tomatoes in a Tire
Tomatoes planted in a tire have some advantages over those grown in a conventional garden. The black rubber of tires absorbs and retains the sun's heat quickly and for a long period of time, warming the soil and the tender, heat-loving tomato plant growing within. If a frost warning occurs, covering
How to Find Your Own Garden Growing Zone
Whether you're new to gardening or new to your geographical area, you need to know a little about your climate and soil to be successful with your garden. Knowing your own growing zone will guide you with which plants are best to plant.
How to Plant Peas From a Peapod
Planting edible peas in your garden can reward you with a plentiful crop of this delicious and nutritious vegetable. Planting peas is a good project to do with children, since the large seeds are easy to handle and fun to grow. As a warm season crop, peas do best when they are provided temperatures
Cut Flower Food Recipe
Much like their live counterparts, cut flowers need nutrients, too. Upon receiving cut flowers, there is a recommended procedure to follow to allow for maximum longevity of the flower or flower arrangement. Adding specific chemicals or common household items to the vase allows for maximum viewing pl
How to Get Rid of Moles at Home
Moles are small, furry mammals that spend their days digging through the dirt searching for food, creating intricate tunnel systems as they go. Though they are essentially harmless, most people consider moles a pest. The burrows they dig can make a complete mess of a well-kept lawn by filling it wit
How to Bait Squirrel Traps
Imagine sitting in your home, constantly hearing a creature running around in your attic. It's a scenario that some homeowners experience. The creature is often a squirrel. Fortunately, you don't have to learn to live with hearing their constant running. You can capture squirrels, using bait that wi
How to Turn in Illegal Bobcat Kills
Bobcat species live throughout the United States and into much of Mexico. Hunters are legally allowed to kill bobcats, provided that the hunting does not harm the overall bobcat population. Regulations for bobcat hunting vary by jurisdiction. While most states with substantial bobcat populations all
How to Grow a Potato Without a Seed
Potatoes store the energy they need to grow in their large, nutrient-dense tubers. Thanks to this stored energy, you don't need to plant a seed to grow a potato plant. Potato plants are easily propagated by their tubers. However, the horticulturists at the University of Minnesota Extension advise ag
Growth Stages of the Onion
Onions are grown in many countries all over the world. According to the University of Arizona, there are more than 600 types of onion, including white, yellow, red and green. They are related to the lily and can be used as spices, vegetables, medicinal or ornamental plants. Onions grow in stages and
Dreaming About Planting Tomatoes
Tomatoes are among the best-loved crops for home cultivation. They flourish in pots and garden plots throughout the United States in the warmer months of the year. In the dead of winter, gardeners may find themselves dreaming about the year's coming tomato planting season and the smell of warm, red