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Heart Diseases : Health & Medical

Lower Blood Pressure With 6 Natural Foods

So you want to take the natural route of lowering your blood pressure? That's not a bad choice, prescription medications can have dangerous side effects and throw your whole body out of whack. So what are the power house foods that will lower your blood pressure?

Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion

Learn about the latest developments and controversy regarding this technique used for prevention of thromboembolism.

10 Best Foods For Your Cholesterol Levels

Want to know the 10 best foods for your cholesterol levels? Check out this article. Some of the foods that are good for you might surprise you.

Aneurysm Symptoms

Seemingly mild symptoms can sometimes signal potentially deadly health problems. Learn what warning signs to take seriously, and what lifestyle choices you can make to help prevent certain health problems from occurring.

Cardiac Catheterization

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of cardiac catheterization including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Heart Attack and Unstable Angina-Treatment for Complications

In the past decade, angioplasty, also known as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), has become a common procedure in large medical centers in the United States. Angioplasty is done during cardiac catheterization or coronary angiogram.During a cardiac catheterization, a tiny tube (called a ...

Heart Health Natural Treatment to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Natural treatment to prevent conditions of the cardiac system and preserve heart health may be one of the most important things an American can do. Cardiovascular disease remains the number 1 cause of death in the United States and the treatment of heart disease is a huge business, in fact a cash co

China Salt Substitute Study (CSSS)

An interpretation of the results from CSSS, which evaluated a low sodium, high potassium salt substitute vs normal salt among individuals in rural northern China at high risk for vascular disease.

Definition of HDL

HDL, or high density lipoprotein, is a compound that transports many types of lipids and proteins in the bloodstream. Research suggests that HDL plays an important role in the regulation of cholesterol levels.