Lower Blood Pressure With 6 Natural Foods
So you want to take the natural route of lowering your blood pressure? That's not a bad choice, prescription medications can have dangerous side effects and throw your whole body out of whack.
So what are the power house foods that will lower your blood pressure? Bananas- They are loaded with potassium, and potassium works with sodium to help regulate fluid balance.
Studies done in India suggest that 5 bananas per day can lower blood pressure half as effective as prescription medications.
Now I'm not sure I suggest you eat 5 bananas a day, some people are sensitive to the high sugar levels in bananas.
I recommend eating 2 a day and combining it with other natural hypertension treatments.
Fish- I'm not talking about the fish you buy from the grocery store that's fried, I'm talking about the kind that's lean and healthy.
You can get salmon at your local grocery store and other healthy fishes.
It only makes sense to assume fish will lower your high pressure when you take a look at how many countries have a diet that consist mainly of fresh veggies, fruits and fish.
Salmon is high in the fatty acid Omega 3; this fatty acid is very healthy for the heart.
Not only does Omega 3 lower blood pressure but it also has been shown to stop and even reverse angina.
You will want to limit your salmon intake to once a week though due to the high mercury levels.
Celery- This is probably the most powerful single food you can eat that will lower your high pressure readings.
Celery contains unique oil that relaxes the muscles that regulate hypertension, improving flow, and lowering pressure.
Just 4 stalks a day (or some celery juice) does the trick.
It is a natural diuretic without the harmful side effects, and some studies show it to be just as effective as the prescription form.
I hope these foods have helped you, I also hope they help you see that prescription medications are not the only answer to lowering your high pressure.
You can find the link to the 3 other powerhouse foods to lower your blood pressure on my site in my bio box below.
Good luck getting that blood pressure down, with proper diet and lifestyle change you can hopefully avoid medication use.
So what are the power house foods that will lower your blood pressure? Bananas- They are loaded with potassium, and potassium works with sodium to help regulate fluid balance.
Studies done in India suggest that 5 bananas per day can lower blood pressure half as effective as prescription medications.
Now I'm not sure I suggest you eat 5 bananas a day, some people are sensitive to the high sugar levels in bananas.
I recommend eating 2 a day and combining it with other natural hypertension treatments.
Fish- I'm not talking about the fish you buy from the grocery store that's fried, I'm talking about the kind that's lean and healthy.
You can get salmon at your local grocery store and other healthy fishes.
It only makes sense to assume fish will lower your high pressure when you take a look at how many countries have a diet that consist mainly of fresh veggies, fruits and fish.
Salmon is high in the fatty acid Omega 3; this fatty acid is very healthy for the heart.
Not only does Omega 3 lower blood pressure but it also has been shown to stop and even reverse angina.
You will want to limit your salmon intake to once a week though due to the high mercury levels.
Celery- This is probably the most powerful single food you can eat that will lower your high pressure readings.
Celery contains unique oil that relaxes the muscles that regulate hypertension, improving flow, and lowering pressure.
Just 4 stalks a day (or some celery juice) does the trick.
It is a natural diuretic without the harmful side effects, and some studies show it to be just as effective as the prescription form.
I hope these foods have helped you, I also hope they help you see that prescription medications are not the only answer to lowering your high pressure.
You can find the link to the 3 other powerhouse foods to lower your blood pressure on my site in my bio box below.
Good luck getting that blood pressure down, with proper diet and lifestyle change you can hopefully avoid medication use.