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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

7 Natural Ways Of Acne Treatment

Inside your hair follicles, there are small glands producing oil called sebum. This oil mixes with skin cells in the follicle and joins them on the journey outward. But when there's too much sebum, too ...

Constipation Free Pregnancy

Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom related to a family of diseases generally classified as 'defecation di

Blood Poop-Will It Kill You And Can It Be Cured?

Over 11 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from symptoms of blood poop, specifically hemorrhoids. Because of this, it is essential to learn about what symptoms to look for. Hemorrhoids occur usually in people ...

Fever Blister Viral Infection

Fever Blisters also known as Herpes labialis, and cold sores are painful lesions which usually form on the lips, chin, cheeks, or nostrils. The blisters typically turn into yellow-crusted sores and th

How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoid - 6 Surefire Tips

Learning how to get rid of hemorrhoid is a must for those who are suffering from this problem. Hemorrhoid is a condition where the veins around the anus or lower rectum become swollen and inflamed. ...

Why Do Diabetics Develop Neuropathy?

If you have diabetes and you have any of these symptoms: Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting Difficulty swallowing Deep pain, especially in your legs and feet Loss of sensation and ability to feel warmth or cold Muscle cramps Numbness, tingling or burning in your arms, hands, legs or feet Weakness Dizzine

Encephalitis Information

Encephalitis is an inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the brain and caused of mostly infections. Viruses may also directly attack the linings of the brain (meninges) and cause meningitis. One o

Candida Overgrowth Facts

Everyone has candida in their bodies. The digestive tract is a common home for candida albicans. Also the vagina is a natural home for candida albicans. Usually the growth of yeast is regulated by the immune system and probiotic bacteria.

Oral Yeast Infections And Their Complications

Oral yeast infections are no different from vaginal Candida in the fact that the are caused by the same organism, and they need to be treated the same way. If you're suffering from oral thrush ...

Tonsil Stones Information / Understanding Tonsillolths

We often hear people complaining of severe throat pain without any characteristic or visible swelling of the throat. This pain develops due to stones that are hard pea sized sticky lumps accumulating in the membranous ...

Anorexia Symptoms and Treatment

Anorexia is an eating disorder where the person has a distorted body image and a fear of gaining even the most infinitesimal amount of weight. Anorexia is found mainly in women, but there are a ...

Acne Treatment-Natural Remedies

In recent times, it has been proven that the number of people who have acne has increased drastically. The reasons for this have not been proven and as result, there is not an official pronouncement ...

MortonĀ“s Neuroma - Simple Relief

Morton's neuroma is a painful condition which causes pain generally around the ball of the foot, its primary cause is inflammation of the nerve between the third and fourth toe and the symptoms are a ...

What Are the Causes of Frequent Bloody Nose?

Nosebleeds, also called epistaxis, are a common occurrence for susceptible individuals. Some people are more prone to nosebleeds than others. Certain environmental factors can contribute to the occasional nosebleed. If nosebleeds tend to be more frequent or more severe, there can be serious underl

EpiPen/Twinject: Don't leave home without it!

It is a sad fact, but most fatal allergic reactions could be prevented by the early recognition of allergic symptoms and the rapid self administration of epinephrine, in the form of an Epipen or Twinject ...