How to Rid Yourself of the Dreaded Hiccups
- 1
Hold your breath.Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images
Hold your breath for as long as possible. Repeat if necessary by taking a quick gulp of air and holding your breath again. Just don't repeat too often or you might pass out. - 2
Sip and swallow WaterJupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Constantly swallow or take small sips from a glass of water until the hiccups pass. When you feel the hiccup urge or sensation building, then swallow. Repeat sipping and swallowing continually till hiccups pass. - 3
Sucking on citrus fruit may alleviate hiccups.Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Suck on a lemon wedge soaked in bitters. Or suck on a piece of hard candy. Swallow often while sucking on the lemon wedge or hard candy. - 4). While lying on your back, pull your knees up to your chest and lean forward, holding this position for as long as possible.
- 5). Chew and swallow a slice of bread, or suck on crushed ice.
- 6). Gargle with ice water or swallow a spoonful of dry sugar, which are home remedies recommended by the Mayo Clinic.
- 7). Place an ice bag on the midriff area just below your rib cage. Leave it on the belly area till hiccups pass.
- 8). Slowly drink water upside down. Bend forward at the waist and drink the water while in this upside-down position.