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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Polyurethane Foam Allergies
Some people exhibit a condition where they develop an allergic reaction to their environment when most other people do not. These people are said to have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. One of the many products that seem to trigger their reaction is the fumes in polyurethane foam.
Allergy Solutions to Help You Avoid Annoying Symptoms
When allergy season comes around, you are going to have to find a way to effectively protect yourself from annoying allergy symptoms that can be tough to get rid of. To completely eliminate the sneezing, runny nose, and congestion, you can do a few simple things to make a real difference in the way
Fire Ant Stings
WebMD explains what to do if you've been stung by a fire ant (or many fire ants) and how to prevent future attacks.
Signs & Symptoms of Allergy to Baker's Yeast
Some people are allergic to yeast, like that found in most bread.pain image by Maryna Girard from Fotolia.comThe signs and symptoms of an allergy to baker's yeast can vary greatly between sufferers. Some may get sleepy, while others may feel sick in the stomach or get a headache. Yeast...
The Main Causes of Skin Allergy
What are the main causes of a skin allergy. There are various causes and just as many different types of treatment. Maybe that new gold chain you got as a birthday present is the cause, or perhaps just a change of washing powder causes to itch.
Allergy Shots
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of allergy shots including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
What Is Aromatheraphy for Allergies?
While your immune system may revolt against some plants by plaguing you with allergy and hay fever symptoms, it may benefit from the use of essential oils made from other medicinal plants, judiciously applied through the art of aromatherapy. Used with care, aromatherapy may not only relieve the symp
Allergic Reactions to Cosmetic Ingredients
The cosmetic industry is expected to reach $300 billion in sales worldwide by 2010, according to Equities Magazine. These products can include makeup, soaps, eyeliner, nail polish, perfume, deodorant, lipstick and other products. Many women and even men get allergic reactions to the ingredients in
Identifying Asthma Triggers in the Home - A Survival Guide For Asthmatics
Asthma is a condition in which the airways in the lungs get narrowed for a brief period of time, making it extremely difficult to breathe properly. Although asthmatics take various preventive measures while going out they often do not realize that asthma can be easily triggered at home.
This Fall, Get Ready to Sneeze
In August, the Northeast experienced record ragweed pollen counts, the most common cause of Fall allergies, but there is also an increase in patients suffering from mold and dust-mite allergies. Residents along the East Coast experienced a record-breaking summer of high heat and rainfalls. When comb
Asthma Patients Often Skip Their Medication
Many asthma patients with poorly controlled asthma do not take their medications as prescribed, a new study from the U.K. suggests.
Poison Ivy Prevention Tips You Need to Know
Toxicodendron radicans also known as Poison Ivy, is a woody vine or sometimes shrub, usually found in tropical areas, and is known to carry Urushiol, a toxic chemical that can cause rashes and blisters when absorbed by the human skin. Here are quick tips on Poison Ivy prevention.
Nasal Sprays for Allergies and Colds
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of nasal sprays for allergies and colds including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Traveling With Seasonal Allergies
Traveling with seasonal allergies can be very challenging. Whether you are traveling abroad or inside the United States of America, you may be highly exposed to a wide range of new allergens, which can further worsen your condition. In any case, traveling with the runny nose or watery eyes will also
Reduce Moisture To Improve Your Asthma
Moisture in your home can lead to problems with molds and pests. Learn how to reduce moisture to improve your asthma.
Optimizing Your Health Through Allergy Shots
Did you know that if you participate in taking allergy shots, you may actually optimize your health in numerous ways? Medical professionals refer to this treatment as "Immunotherapy". If you suffer from allergies, you know and understand that your reaction is often a result of allergens or
Sharp Air Purifier Review - Plasmacluster Ion Technology Efficacy
Our Sharp air purifier review continues with an in-depth examination of the efficacy of Plasmacluster Ion technology, the innovative air purification technology invented by Sharp Corporation in 2000. Conceptually, an efficacy test is one conducted in the laboratory to demonstrate that the reactive a
Worm Therapy to Combat Allergies
You've always been told to rid your body of parasite worms to improve your health. But with worm therapy, the parasites are purposely put into the body to treat diseases and disorders. Many people have not heard of worm therapy, yet it's been researched since the early 1980s. Clinics only treat arou
Asthma Treatment Utilizing Natural Health Products Versus Prescription Medicine
This article gives an overview on asthma, its various symptoms, treatment options and how to treat it naturally.
Can a Person with Milk Allergy Successfully Avoid Milk?
Learn how successful a person with milk allergy can be at avoiding milk products. The answer may surprise you.