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Visual Arts : Society & Culture & Entertainment
The Ultimate Nose Art - Painting the Whole Plane
Not long ago, I was in San Diego and I went to the old town area. It is quite amazing and a tourist hotspot especially because most Americans are fearful of going over the border into Tijuana to party and go to the bars due to the drug gang violence in Mexico. Although it might be safe if you are re
Studio Painting by Numbers
A studio is a private space and to obtain sales you need open studio events and other exhibit space. You need to also tell the local media. Building up too much work could be a problem. You need to improve your style. It is important that you enjoy creating art.
How Do Famous Artists Use Various Oils to Create Their Original Paintings?
Although you may think you know what an oil painting is and what it looks like, there is much you probably do not know. For instance, did you know that there are many different types of oil that an artist can elect to use? Why would an artist choose one over another? Find out about what is entailed
Do You Want to Get Into More Galleries? Then Don't Compete With Them!
Because of the down economy most artists will take a sale any way they can get it.Artists are trying to sell from their own website and in addition from online shops like Cafe Press, Zazzle and Red Bubble.
Geek Culture and Geek Shirts
Geeks, what are they? Geeks or Nerds are usually known to be very intelligent, excellent at academic pursuits, video games and have a number of interests which includes playing role playing games, sci-fi and comic books. Now what I have typically described is the stereo typical view of a geek, espec
Great Banner Layout Equals Better Come Back
What makes a display ad memorable is often not really what you want people to remember. Some of the off the wall cigarette adverts of outdated were so odd that the product has been often not reaping helpful benefits at all as the reader could not remember the product. Check this very beautiful vinyl
Longer Lasting Paints, Brushes and Humans
Regarding the paint, the brush and the human, here are a few oil painting tips that may prolong the life of all three.Long lasting paint brushes. I have found that to keep brushes in good shape it helps to have a bottle of Vaseline around.
How to Take Your Drawing to Photoshop and Illustrator
If you have a painting, and you want to refine it, you can use Photoshop illustrator. You need to follow some of the steps before you get a refined painting. This will give a new dimension to your painting; refining your painting capabilities and giving you edge over other contemporaries. Using this
Graphic Design Careers: An Overview
Graphic design careers are any careers in which a person uses graphics to sell a product or make a product or publication look appealing. Graphic designers create commercials, print ads, layouts for periodicals, billboards and the designs and graphics you see on the boxes of pretty much any product
Get Album Artwork for iTunes
iTunes is a great content management system and music player for your digital song collection, and one of the great things about it is the fact it's so multimedia. Not only does it play your ...
Things That Can Harm Your Portfolio Website
The things that people don't like in ordinary websites are pretty much the same for online portfolios but since portfolios are professional in nature therefore you need to be extra cautious when putting up your ...
Reveal the Great Feeling With Reproduction Art
Original artwork is a fantasy to the ordinary people as they are only the part of world class museum or the glory of art exhibition. Different kinds of top class oil paintings like Mona Lisa, ...
Mounted Cards Or Pictures Using Watercolours!
It is possible to add a mount to a finished watercolour picture to improve it before you get around to framing it, or you could also use it as a card. So what will you need for starters?
Digital Photography – What are the Different Types of Special Effects
There are different types of special effects that you can achieve in digital photography. Some of these can be done using the digital camera while for the others; you need to make use of specialized ...
Canvas Prints - A Treasured Gift
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that's especially true with photographs. We rely on photographs to capture and preserve the best memories of our lives, and for the ability to ...
Most 3D Applications Have A Reflection Channel
A transparency map can turn an orange into a crystal ball, or change a baseball into a wicker ball. Refraction refers to the way light is bent as it passes through objects. Different objects in nature use different refractive qualities; the refraction as light passes through water is different than
Understanding the Clarity of a Diamond
Clarity of a diamond is one of the major components of 4Cs of diamond grading, where the 4C's are Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat. Diamond clarity is a measure of the number of impurities or ...
Where to Find Unique Face Paint Designs
Face painting is an activity, an art that reflects skill of an individual and the neatness of the articulation of his/her talent. Face painting has become more like a fashion trend amongst the youth of today, who have a special bend of interest towards this activity. We all are aware of the experime
Beryl Cook Artwork is Still Selling Fast
The situation now is that people are searching for Beryl Cook artwork much more than a few years ago. The internet is a good indicator of how many people are searching for her artwork.
The Secret to Success in Painting People - Revealed in a Dream
I had a dream a few nights ago. This dream contained the secret to my success as a painter of portraits. Because the secret can be applied by any artist who wants to paint people, I'd like to share with you what I learnt from my dream...