Get Album Artwork for iTunes
• First you want to open up iTunes and find the music you're looking for which is presently lacking its album artwork. Then you want to look towards the top of the iTunes player and find the tab labeled 'advanced.' Click on this tab and bring up its drop down menu and click on the option that says Get Album Artwork. You'll be given a command prompt making sure that you actually want to get the album artwork for this song. Click yes on this command prompt and move forward with the process. If you're collecting album artwork for a variety of different songs than you want to go ahead and check the "don't ask me again" option to prevent this command prompt from popping up again and again.
• Provided you are connected to the internet your copy of iTunes is going to search online for the appropriate artwork depending on the album and song information saved to the music file in question. If all, or enough, of the album information is correct than you should be in business- iTunes will locate the correct album information and save it right into your file so that it always pulls up the right imagery when you play that song. If the album information saved to the music file isn't correct iTunes might not be able to find what it's looking for. If that's the case and its search turns up nothing all you need to do is go ahead and correct the saved file information and make sure it's all accurate, it's all congruent, and that it's all spelled correctly. After making these adjustments go ahead and run the search again and you should be alright.
Now, getting all of your album information is a great way to improve your digital music experience and to organize your collection, but it's not going to do that much good if your collection is filled with duplicate files. In fact, the process of retrieving missing album artwork is going to be a giant pain and take a lot longer if you keep doing so for the same songs over and over again. Get yourself a copy of TuneUp and run it before you start to get your album artwork and you'll save yourself a ton of time dealing with duplicate music files.