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Careers & Employment : Business & Finance

How to Write Professional Resume Objectives Quickly

More and more job hunters include a 'Career objective' or an 'Objective' in their resumes these days. These professional resume objectives are nothing more than short, one or two-sentence statements that tell the employer what kind of job you would like to have and what is your p

What Is a Vocational Skills Audit?

A vocational skills audit examines the skills that are present in an employee or a workforce and the skills that are needed to successfully perform a job. This assessment helps point out areas of strength and needed development.

How Much Money Can a Salon Owner Make a Year?

As a salon owner, you have the ability to control how much money you make a year. This especially applies if you operate your salon in a high traffic region and promote and market your business to industries, such as the fashion industry, that rely on hairstylists and make-up artists. The types and

How to Apply to the Police Academy in California

If your career path is headed into law enforcement, consider applying to a police academy in California. There was a time in the state when those interested could attend the police academy and then be assigned to a particular city's law enforcement bureau. Those days are all but gone, with the major

Find A Legitimate Telecommuting Job With These Easy Tips

So you've made the decision to telecommute. How many of those newsletters have you signed up for that promise sending endless job opportunities straight to your email box once a week or some even every day? Many sites out there are dedicated to providing quality telecommuting job opportunities

The Employer Report: Seeking Part-Time Help With Experience

You may have seen Dan Schawbel's mention of Urban Interns in yesterday's US Metroencouraging college students to get started on looking for meaningful internships and entry level positions. That college students are so on the ...

Find a Job in 30 Days

Finding a job in today's market is a huge endeavor in itself. However, with some creativity and determination you can find a job and be gainfully employed.

Salary Ranges for Senior Consultants

Senior consultants are also contractors or independent contractors. The job title covers many different aspects of consultancy on the senior (supervisory) or management level. Senior consultants are employed in a variety of positions, such as Information Technology, project manager, lead analyst, go

9 Types of Freelance Jobs

Information on nine different types of freelance jobs, advice and suggestions on how to find freelance job listings online, and how to beware of scams.

The Benefits Of Stay At Home Jobs - MT Recruiters helps experienced and non-experienced medical transcriptionists secure work from home jobs!We specialize in marketing to employers that prefer to work with recruiters and we offer free career advice for anybody seeking to get into the transcription industr

How to Get a Job Interview

How can some people get lots of job interviews very quickly, while others spend months just trying to get an interview? Are they really much better at the job that someone struggling to get an interview? Not necessarily. They probably are no better at the job, but they may be a lot better at present

Behavioral Interview Questions for Entry-Level Jobs

Behavioral questions are those an interviewer asks regarding your past. They shed light on who you are, how you deal with interpersonal conflict, and how organized you are. When you interview for an entry-level position, prepare to answer several behavior questions. Simply telling your interviewer t

What Is the Pay Scale for Land Surveyors?

Land surveyors are professionals who take measurements of pieces of land and establish the locations of borders. The pay scale for surveyors varies, based on a variety of factors such as their work experience and geographic location.

What Questions to Ask at an Interview

A good interview is not about you passively sat there answering questions fired at you. To stand out in the interview and show your interest in the position you are applying for, you should go armed with a number of questions to ask the interviewer.

State of Iowa Home Daycare Regulations

A home daycare is a way for stay at home parents to earn money while taking care of their own children. Since each state sets its own laws that govern home daycares, it is important to learn the ones that apply to you. To find out about the laws for home daycares in Iowa, click on that state at the