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Bankruptcy : Business & Finance

Can I Keep My Rental Property and File Bankruptcy?

When you file for bankruptcy, most states will allow you to keep your current residence as long as you are willing to continue making your mortgage payment. While you can usually keep your primary residence, keeping rental properties may not be as simple. Whether you get to keep your rental property

Bankruptcy Questions & Answers in Texas

Filing for bankruptcy protection can help consumers get a handle on their finances.Paying Bills image by ne_fall_photos from Fotolia.comAlthough many consumers try their best to avoid it, filing for bankruptcy protection can sometimes be the only way to get ahead financially. Each state...

2 Long Term Effects of Bankruptcy

There are times when debt becomes to much to handle and bankruptcy looks like an option you might choose. Before you make your final choice consider a few of the long term effects that a personal bankruptcy has. It's not that bankruptcy is wrong, you just need to know what's ahead.

Can You Remove a Judicial Lien After a Chapter 7 Discharge in Colorado?

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge rules that you are no longer responsible for paying certain debts. It doesn't make the debts themselves go away; it just bars your creditors from pursuing you for payment. Creditors sometimes manage to place a lien against your property for money owed before you file

Can I Pay All Mortgage Payments Through a Chapter 13?

Bankruptcy allows you to cancel certain debts that do not have the ability to pay. When it comes to personal bankruptcy, you have two options, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is quick, but the court will often sell your assets to make payments on some of the most important debt. A C

Chapter 7: Who Qualifies?

Facing insurmountable credit and medical debt may require filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Here are some guidelines of who and what qualifies.

When is Bankruptcy an Option?

The dilemma of debt has many people confused about what to do. Of course each person's situation is a bit different, but the common problem of how to handle the debt is the same. There are two chapters of bankruptcy for a person to consider.

Should I Consolidate Debt?

People who are saddled with credit card or other types of consumer debt sometimes turn to debt consolidation in the hope of getting out of debt sooner. By paying off existing debt using a device such as loan to eliminate balances, they can possibly reduce interest rates and make lower monthly paymen

How to File Bankruptcy in India

Filing for bankruptcy means that the applicant does not have the capacity to repay the loans or the debt that he owes to creditors or lenders. Most people hesitate to file for bankruptcy due to the social stigma attached, and they also have the misconception that it means that it is the end of their

What Are the Effects of Bankruptcy on Student Loans?

Discharging student loans in bankruptcy isn't impossible.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty ImagesDuring the 1970s, filing for bankruptcy and discharging student loans became popular for college graduates, especially before they started earning a monthly income. In 1998, the rules and...

Saving Your Home With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Individuals who are faced with the prospect of foreclosure may have legal options to save their homes through Chapter 13 bankruptcy. As with any legal matter, very strict conditions apply, and not everyone may qualify for this option.

How to Add a Debt After Filing for Bankruptcy

When filing for bankruptcy, a debtor must list all of the creditors to whom they owe money and file that listing with the bankruptcy court. This listing is called the creditor matrix. The creditor matrix must be formatted to certain specifications to allow the bankruptcy court to make properly forma

The Card Act of 2009 And Its Effect On Filing Bankruptcy

Back in 2009, Congress passed a new law called the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009. This bill, otherwise known as the Card Act of 2009, was created to further regulate credit card companies and the interest rates they charge. The idea behind the law was to stop c

What Happens When a Financial Company Discharges Your Car Loan?

Banks, credit unions and other financial institutions offering automobile loans usually order repossession of the vehicle after the borrower falls more than two months behind. Eventually the lender lists the account as charged-off, a term that some borrowers may confuse with a discharge. A charge-of

Ohio Chapter 13 - Which One Should I File?

It is important to understand that there are still many benefits to filing Ohio Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Filing Ohio Chapter 13 can also help you prevent foreclosure if you're behind on the mortgage for your Ohio real estate, which is a benefit not gained by filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

How Much Does It Cost to Put in a New Driveway?

Calculating the cost of a new driveway requires that you consider several options. This includes a variety of materials in addition to labor costs and long term maintenance. Some options may seem expensive up front but will last much longer and require little care over the cheaper ones.