How To Make Medical Insurance More Affordable
Cutting back on the cover or running the risk of doing without is acceptable so long as everyone is young and healthy. But you never know what tomorrow will bring. It only takes one traffic accident and a long delay before effective treatment gets the key person back to work. So small businesses are defending their interests by banding together. There are insurance groups forming within established chambers of commerce. New trade alliances and associations are being formed to approach insurance companies directly. The more businesses come together, the more powerful their buying power. If one business with twenty employees asks for a health plan, that's small potatoes. If several hundred businesses, each with twenty employees, approach the same insurance company, they get listened to when it comes to discounts. When the association does its own negotiating, the members also avoid paying commission to agents which helps the bottom line even more.
In the small business insurance market, the insurers prefer to pick off the businesses individually. That way, there's no effective limit on the pace of premium increases. Once businesses pool their cover, it's the same premium rate per plan member for all within the pool and so more difficult for the insurer to push up premiums without all complaining (and, potentially, everyone moving on to another insurer). There are various legislative proposals to force insurance companies to more actively support small businesses. These include making policies more portable between insurance companies, requiring the development of more clinics and other medical resources to improve access to care and treatment outside the emergency room system, and so on. All these efforts should be supported so that business insurance costs can be brought under more transparent control.