How To Have A Successful VBAC
- Are you sure your midwife and doctor are pro-VBAC? Some physicians do not favor VBAC. To prevent having to look for a new doctor weeks before your due date, make sure to discuss your plans for VBAC with your doctor during the early stage of your pregnancy.
- Hire a doula – Yes, this may mean added costs but the labor assistant is truly worth every penny. Through a thorough research and some referrals, you can hire a efficient doula to assist you in your pregnancy. The doula is responsible in keeping you calm all the time. They can also help you undergo through a trouble-free VBAC. More than just that, they can give you a lot of helpful information about the process.
- If you have proved yourself and your baby to be fine (after ultrasound and series of check-ups), do not give in to cesarean. As mentioned, cesarean recovery can be difficult and can take longer. You are the one in control of your labor. If you are perfectly fine, be open with your doctor that cesarean is not your options. Some health care providers have a tendency to pressure you to choose cesarean due to liability.
- If you have had previous cesarean, do not allow any softening agents like pitocin to be used on you. This medication can put stress on your old scar and can make them soften making it easier to prone to uterine rupture.
- You may labor as long as possible at home. Your doula can assist you while you labor at your home. There is no need to rush off to the hospital so keep yourself comfortable at home until the time when you absolutely need to go. Note as well the positioning of your baby is very important. Feel free to ask your doula to give you exercises which can help ensure that your baby is in the right position for delivery.
- Get into good shape. Having a healthy body at the time of birth will help your delivery a lot easier and more comfortable.
- Believe in yourself. Yes, you can do it. Do not just try VBAC because you have planned it and you want to save on costs. Doubts and fears may affect the health as well as the outlook of your newborns. Stay positive. Be strong in your beliefs that you will make it.
Yes, there are increased risks with having VBAC. Nevertheless, do not let anyone tell you that it cannot be done. As long as you are responsible enough in making sure that you and your baby are safe and are ready for a normal vaginal delivery and as long as you get yourself the right preparation that you need, then nothing is impossible.