How to Remove a Wart From My Finger? Natural Methods to Do So!
Because of that, getting rid of the wart on your finger will probably be very high on your list of priorities.
So what exactly causes a wart to grow on your hand or fingers? They are caused by a virus known as human papilloma virus (HPV).
There is no cure for this virus, but most people's immune system will fight off this virus naturally.
How to remove a wart from my finger? One natural method is by covering the wart with duct tape until it's gone.
The procedure is as such.
First you will cover the wart with the tape for approximately one week.
After one week, take off the tape and soak the finger in warm water for approximately 20 minutes.
Now that your skin has been softened by water, you will use a pumice stone or emery board to scrub the infected area.
The abrasive rub and soften skin will allow parts of the warts to come off.
Approximately 12 hours after scrubbing, you will now reapply the tape to the infected finger and repeat the above process.
Keep this up for up to approximately two months or sooner if you are fortunate enough to resolve the issue before that.
The above is a home remedy that has worked for many people.
There are also other over the counter drugs that can be placed on infection as well.
An even more extreme solution is getting it frozen off by your doctor.
If you would like the complete list of methods that will answer the question, "How to remove a wart from my finger?" you may visit Natural Wart Removal Methods.
Good Luck!