Signs of Dehydration and How to Properly Hydrate
Our bodies depend on water for survival; it is second only to oxygen.
It would seem fair to assume that, because it is so important for the general function of our system, we would pay close attention to our hydration levels.
This just isn't so.
Misinformation on the importance of keeping fluid levels balanced and exactly how much water is needed to keep our systems hydrated abounds.
Do you need 8 glasses of water daily? Probably.
Are you getting it? If you're a typical American, probably not.
Mild dehydration symptoms include: Headache or head rush Slightly dry mucous membranes Slightly decreased urine output and dark yellow urine Loss of appetite Tiredness or fatigue Dry or flushed skin Chills Constipation Moderate dehydration symptoms include: Little to no urine output Increased heart rate Sunken eyes Decreased ability to sweat Faster breathing Higher body temperature Muscle cramps Extreme fatigue Tingling in the hands or feet Nausea Severe dehydration symptoms include those of moderate dehydration but also: Rapid pulse No tears Rapid breathing Low blood pressure Mottled skin Muscle spasms Impaired vision Shriveled skin Confusion Chest or abdominal pain Seizures Coma That's quite a list for something that's simple to avoid.
We are lucky to have access to fresh and healthy water yet we are a country of dehydration.
So, how do you treat it? If your dehydration is mild it's important to sip water slowly to regain fluid levels in your system; gulping water will only upset your stomach and vomiting could occur which further increases dehydration levels.
Aside from sipping water, try adding a bit of honey or a pinch of salt to warm water and drink slowly to reinstate some of the electrolytes in your system.
Keep in mind that water is best when you are experiencing dehydration though tea and natural fruit juices (with low or no sugar) are also acceptable in small amounts.
To improve the amount of water you're drinking and cut down on the chances of dehydration try keeping a water bottle with you at all times so that you can drink throughout the day.
Starting and ending your day with a glass of water is also an effective tip that will ensure your day begins and ends with hydration.
If you're going to exercise be sure to drink before, during, and after your workout and if you'll be exercising outdoors, increase the amount you usually drink by a couple of glasses at least.
Warm temperatures and windy weather rob our bodies of water so be sure to drink up on those days.
For the very young or very old, caregivers need to keep a close eye on hydration levels.
For infants, the loss of bodily fluids and electrolytes mean that dehydration is a very real risk.
For the elderly, the brain loses its ability to signal thirst so be sure to watch fluid intake if you are a caregiver to those who may not be able to sense this need.
The amount of water you drink could change daily so keep an eye on the signals your body sends.
If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, exercising during hot weather, are sick (vomiting, fever, diarrhea), have a bladder or kidney infection, or are trying to lose weight you should increase the amount of water you're drinking daily to keep your body levels healthy.
When we're hydrated we feel better and it shows on our skin, in our joint comfort, bowel movements, and even in our mood.
Be proactive with your health and don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water--odds are you're already dehydrated at that point.
If you're wondering "Am I dehydrated?" then you've waited too long! Give your body what it needs to keep your system running smoothly.
It would seem fair to assume that, because it is so important for the general function of our system, we would pay close attention to our hydration levels.
This just isn't so.
Misinformation on the importance of keeping fluid levels balanced and exactly how much water is needed to keep our systems hydrated abounds.
Do you need 8 glasses of water daily? Probably.
Are you getting it? If you're a typical American, probably not.
Mild dehydration symptoms include: Headache or head rush Slightly dry mucous membranes Slightly decreased urine output and dark yellow urine Loss of appetite Tiredness or fatigue Dry or flushed skin Chills Constipation Moderate dehydration symptoms include: Little to no urine output Increased heart rate Sunken eyes Decreased ability to sweat Faster breathing Higher body temperature Muscle cramps Extreme fatigue Tingling in the hands or feet Nausea Severe dehydration symptoms include those of moderate dehydration but also: Rapid pulse No tears Rapid breathing Low blood pressure Mottled skin Muscle spasms Impaired vision Shriveled skin Confusion Chest or abdominal pain Seizures Coma That's quite a list for something that's simple to avoid.
We are lucky to have access to fresh and healthy water yet we are a country of dehydration.
So, how do you treat it? If your dehydration is mild it's important to sip water slowly to regain fluid levels in your system; gulping water will only upset your stomach and vomiting could occur which further increases dehydration levels.
Aside from sipping water, try adding a bit of honey or a pinch of salt to warm water and drink slowly to reinstate some of the electrolytes in your system.
Keep in mind that water is best when you are experiencing dehydration though tea and natural fruit juices (with low or no sugar) are also acceptable in small amounts.
To improve the amount of water you're drinking and cut down on the chances of dehydration try keeping a water bottle with you at all times so that you can drink throughout the day.
Starting and ending your day with a glass of water is also an effective tip that will ensure your day begins and ends with hydration.
If you're going to exercise be sure to drink before, during, and after your workout and if you'll be exercising outdoors, increase the amount you usually drink by a couple of glasses at least.
Warm temperatures and windy weather rob our bodies of water so be sure to drink up on those days.
For the very young or very old, caregivers need to keep a close eye on hydration levels.
For infants, the loss of bodily fluids and electrolytes mean that dehydration is a very real risk.
For the elderly, the brain loses its ability to signal thirst so be sure to watch fluid intake if you are a caregiver to those who may not be able to sense this need.
The amount of water you drink could change daily so keep an eye on the signals your body sends.
If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, exercising during hot weather, are sick (vomiting, fever, diarrhea), have a bladder or kidney infection, or are trying to lose weight you should increase the amount of water you're drinking daily to keep your body levels healthy.
When we're hydrated we feel better and it shows on our skin, in our joint comfort, bowel movements, and even in our mood.
Be proactive with your health and don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water--odds are you're already dehydrated at that point.
If you're wondering "Am I dehydrated?" then you've waited too long! Give your body what it needs to keep your system running smoothly.