How to Plant Roses From Cuttings
- 1). Select a healthy stem that has several leaves. Without leaves, the cutting may not root, as the leaves will continue to produce sugar from photosynthesis and provide energy for new growth.
- 2). Cut a 6-inch section with a pair of sharp pruning shears or a thin blade knife. Be sure they are clean and sterile to avoid introducing bacteria or disease into the cut. Make several ½-inch vertical slits in the base of the stem to encourage root formation.
- 3). Dip 1-inch of the base into rooting hormone. You can purchase this in the plant section at your local store or nursery. Tap the stem lightly to remove excess hormone powder.
- 4). Fill a 6-inch pot with seed starter. Plant the cutting to a depth of 1-inch. Firm the soil around the base of the stem and water thoroughly.
- 5). Cover with a plastic bag or a two-liter soda bottle. To prepare the bottle, cut the bottom off the bottle with a sharp knife and discard. Place the bottle over the plant so the open end rests inside the plant pot.
- 6). Place it in an area that receives bright, indirect light. Roots will form in three to four weeks.