Getting Acquainted With Amblyopia
Eyes have often been referred to as our gateway to the world. It is one of our five senses yet through it we do not only see the world, but feel it as well. Without them it would be the very difficult to take cognizance of what is going on around us. The eyes are very delicate and there are many diseases that affect the eyes. One such diseaseis Amblyopia. Amblyopia is a rare disease and affect only a small percentage of people. This is also termed as ‘Lazy-eye'. But the term lazy-eye does not relate totally to eye disorder as this is concerned more with the brain. It generally affects at a younger age, which paves way to monocular blindness in adults.It is a pathological problem, in which one of the eyes cannot focus on the same point and hence two different images are received by the brain, which suppresses the image from the wandering eye and results in blur vision.
Amblyopia is caused by myopia, hyperopia apart from other eye related ailments. As this problem may be inherited genetically, it cannot be detected at a very young age but if this ignored for longer periods, it will result in the permanent decrease in the eyesight and cannot be corrected with any treatment thereafter. People are advised to stop smoking and drinking as they may be the factor of amblyopia. Cigarettes and alcohol reduces the supply of DHA fatty acids that aid in the prevention of this ailment and impede the general well-being of the eye.
There are many treatments to fix this disease, surgical and non-surgical but not all of them are safe and completely successful. In non-surgical processes,one can go for push-pull exercise, videogame exercises, patchingand medication. They come in the category of vision therapy that focuses on the improvement of visual efficiency, visual motor and other perceptual-cognitive deficiencies. This program engages the visual system of eyes and brain coordinating with the body aiming to get accurate binocularity i.e. eye teaming, focusing, visual perception, efficient eye tracking, efficient eye-body coordination and visual motor integration.
The visual system determines how we process the information. Interpretation of what we see is the main work of thevisual system. Through visual therapy, we improve the visual function of the body which is essential for learning.It does not concern with the muscles of the eyes and controlling the lens of the eyes which are already strong.
Other training exercises includes, rolling the weaker eye in the circular motion first clockwise and then anti-clock wise, focusing the lazy eye on the object then slowly move the object in different directions, focusing on small objects or read small prints for one hour. These exercises can be done with the help of games and even with the video games which gives the amazing results. So being acquainted with amblyopia is the only way to treat this disease as the best age for treatment is below 10yrs.Â
Amblyopia is caused by myopia, hyperopia apart from other eye related ailments. As this problem may be inherited genetically, it cannot be detected at a very young age but if this ignored for longer periods, it will result in the permanent decrease in the eyesight and cannot be corrected with any treatment thereafter. People are advised to stop smoking and drinking as they may be the factor of amblyopia. Cigarettes and alcohol reduces the supply of DHA fatty acids that aid in the prevention of this ailment and impede the general well-being of the eye.
There are many treatments to fix this disease, surgical and non-surgical but not all of them are safe and completely successful. In non-surgical processes,one can go for push-pull exercise, videogame exercises, patchingand medication. They come in the category of vision therapy that focuses on the improvement of visual efficiency, visual motor and other perceptual-cognitive deficiencies. This program engages the visual system of eyes and brain coordinating with the body aiming to get accurate binocularity i.e. eye teaming, focusing, visual perception, efficient eye tracking, efficient eye-body coordination and visual motor integration.
The visual system determines how we process the information. Interpretation of what we see is the main work of thevisual system. Through visual therapy, we improve the visual function of the body which is essential for learning.It does not concern with the muscles of the eyes and controlling the lens of the eyes which are already strong.
Other training exercises includes, rolling the weaker eye in the circular motion first clockwise and then anti-clock wise, focusing the lazy eye on the object then slowly move the object in different directions, focusing on small objects or read small prints for one hour. These exercises can be done with the help of games and even with the video games which gives the amazing results. So being acquainted with amblyopia is the only way to treat this disease as the best age for treatment is below 10yrs.Â