The Best Movie to Watch - The Notebook
Not stupid chick flicks.
I decided if I was a true movie buff then I should at least give this a chance and find out why girls love it so much.
I immediately fell in love with it.
The first thing that I liked about it was the story.
It never seemed to have a dull moment.
It always kept me wanting more.
I loved the fact that while watching this movie I felt a warm feeling inside.
Anyone who has ever been in love knows exactly what I am talking about.
Now, for all the guy out there who are to much of a man to watch a chick flick.
All I have to say is watch it with someone you really like and your chances of getting some that night will go through the roof.
Ladies love this movie and ladies love a man with a sensitive side every now and again.
It shows them that we have a heart.
I decided to write about this because I am not that good looking of a guy.
I am currently engaged to a girl who is by far out of my league.
People always stare at me when I am with here.
They must be thinking, "How in the world?" Let me just say it all started with this movie.
I was just suppose to be another friend.
I told her I liked this movie and watched with her one of the first times we hung out.
Two years later...
So guys, take my word for it and give it a shot.