What Causes ADHD In Children? Looking At Possible Answers To Help Us Decide The Best Treatment
'What causes ADHD in children' could be the title of a bestseller because this question has troubled many scientists, doctors, parents and teachers for a long time now.
The latest research points to a number of factors which may cause the condition or mental disorder.
There seem to be genetic, biological and environmental factors involved.
The basic problem is that some brain transmitters such as norepinephrine, adrenaline and serotonin do not seem to be firing correctly in the brain.
This leads to all the classic ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, distractability and impulsivity.
These faulty brain signals are rather like a weak phone signal so that the whole conversation is very hard to follow.
Certainly the brain scans that have been done using the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) show that their brain areas do not light up as they do in normal children when faced with cognitive or action based tasks.
So, what causes ADHD in children? The genetic cause has attracted a lot of attention and figures certainly bear this out although it is not the whole story, obviously.
We now know that if a close adult relative has ADHD, a child is four times more likely to have ADHD too.
The idea of brain damage during pregnancy has attracted a lot of attention too.
A pregnant mother who smokes is reducing the amount of oxygen to the child's brain in the womb.
That could certainly be one of the causes.
Given the fact that ADHD adults usually smoke, then the chances of an ADHD mother who is pregnant will also give birth to an ADHD child are quite high.
It seems that there is no clear cut answer to the question of what causes ADHD in children.
That is a pity because that could point us in the right direction as regards treatment.
There are many doctors and parents who think that psychostimulants made from amphetamines are the answer.
These are household names and the drugs such as Vyvanse and Adderall have the capacity to stimulate the brain transmitters so that the child can stay focused and is actually calmer, paradoxically.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding these drugs and the controversy about the side effects leading to poor appetite and stunted growth has caused a storm of protest.
If you are looking at all the options available, why not consider ADHD homeopathic remedies as a possible treatment option for your child.
One thing is certain and that is that there are no side effects and there are no health risks at all.
Behavior modification is also essential as no pills will ever teach the child skills.
Instead of worrying too much about what causes ADHD in children, why not find out more about how your family life could be transformed in a few short weeks by just clicking on my website below.
The latest research points to a number of factors which may cause the condition or mental disorder.
There seem to be genetic, biological and environmental factors involved.
The basic problem is that some brain transmitters such as norepinephrine, adrenaline and serotonin do not seem to be firing correctly in the brain.
This leads to all the classic ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, distractability and impulsivity.
These faulty brain signals are rather like a weak phone signal so that the whole conversation is very hard to follow.
Certainly the brain scans that have been done using the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) show that their brain areas do not light up as they do in normal children when faced with cognitive or action based tasks.
So, what causes ADHD in children? The genetic cause has attracted a lot of attention and figures certainly bear this out although it is not the whole story, obviously.
We now know that if a close adult relative has ADHD, a child is four times more likely to have ADHD too.
The idea of brain damage during pregnancy has attracted a lot of attention too.
A pregnant mother who smokes is reducing the amount of oxygen to the child's brain in the womb.
That could certainly be one of the causes.
Given the fact that ADHD adults usually smoke, then the chances of an ADHD mother who is pregnant will also give birth to an ADHD child are quite high.
It seems that there is no clear cut answer to the question of what causes ADHD in children.
That is a pity because that could point us in the right direction as regards treatment.
There are many doctors and parents who think that psychostimulants made from amphetamines are the answer.
These are household names and the drugs such as Vyvanse and Adderall have the capacity to stimulate the brain transmitters so that the child can stay focused and is actually calmer, paradoxically.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding these drugs and the controversy about the side effects leading to poor appetite and stunted growth has caused a storm of protest.
If you are looking at all the options available, why not consider ADHD homeopathic remedies as a possible treatment option for your child.
One thing is certain and that is that there are no side effects and there are no health risks at all.
Behavior modification is also essential as no pills will ever teach the child skills.
Instead of worrying too much about what causes ADHD in children, why not find out more about how your family life could be transformed in a few short weeks by just clicking on my website below.