Some Money Management Tips for Students
   Joking aside though there is one aspect of university that can be quite tough and that's the financial side. As a student you will be given the opportunity to manage your own funds for the first time in your life, only they'll hardly be enough to even cover your rent. Out of a measly loan you'll have to pay for your rent, your food, your bills, your textbooks and more and all while your tuition fees mount and you get further and further into debt.
   Fortunately though there are ways you can save money and make this all a bit more manageable. Here we will look at some tips to help your cash go further so that you can stop worrying and get back to lying on the grass drinking beer...
Get All the Money You Can
   The first thing to do is to make sure that you are getting all the money you can and all the money you're entitled too. When you apply for the loan you should be sure to carefully explain your parents' income so that you get the full amount that you can. At the same time you should also look into whether you can get any further help such as a government grant. If you are struggling once you're there, go and visit the student advice bureau and they should be able send a little cash your way to help tide you over.
Get Things Cheaply  Â
   When you go to Uni there will be certain things you're expected to buy such as textbooks and equipment, but in the former case at least you should be able to get these second hand. This will instantly save you a few hundred dollars, and if you want to go further then you should look into getting older editions of those books - generally they have the same content but will cost you a lot less.
Take Advantage of Being a Student
   There are also many other things you can get more cheaply if you are a student thus enabling you to reduce your daily expenses. As a student for instance you will be able to get discounts on clothes and other things by showing your ID, so it's worth seeking out the shops that do student discounts before going out. Likewise you can also get a lot of other breaks by proving your student status, so make sure you always ask whether you've gone for a day out at a theme park or you're booking a haircut.