Average Salary of a Public School Teacher in Branford, Connecticut
- The estimated median household income in Branford was almost $72,000 in 2009, according to the website City-Data. The per capita personal income in 2009 was about $40,700.
- Branford employs about 305 full-time teachers, according to Teacher Salary Info. It has about 94 teacher's assistants, nearly 200 kindergarten and elementary teachers, and about 100 high school teachers. About 3,500 students walk the halls of Branford schools.
- The average salary for elementary teachers in Branford is about $63,490, well above the local per capita income. Those in the 25th percentile for salary earn about $50,910, and those in the 75th percentile earn about $77,600 per year.
- Middle school teachers in Branford earn about $63,700 per year, and those in the 25th percentile earn about $51,270. Middle school teachers in the 75th percentile earn about $77,300 per year.
- The average salary for a high school teacher in Branford is about $61,300. High school teachers in the 25th percentile earn about $48,000, and those in the 75th percentile make about $75,940 per year.