How to Know When Dreadlocks Are Budding
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Keep track of any changes in your hair's appearance and texture.Digital Vision/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Check your hair in the mirror regularly for frizz, swelling, dullness or knotting. These are the tell-tale signs of budding. Ideally, this should be done when the hair is completely dry. - 2
Hair can take a long time to lock and the time frame varies from person to person.Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Feel your twists with your fingers. If there is a hard lump in the middle of the twist, it may be starting to lock. Be careful not to manipulate the hair so much that it disturbs the locking process. - 3
Getting a second opinion can alleviate any doubts you may have about the progress of your hair.Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images
Get a second opinion. Consult your loctician about the progress of your hair. She will be familiar enough with your hair to let you know if your locs are properly budding.