Home Remedy for Strained Vocal Cords
- Vocal cords need to be hydrated so drinking water is a very important step in the healing process. According to Health911.com, a good way to heal strained vocal cords is by mixing 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar into a half cup with 4 oz. of water. This drink should be consumed once an hour for seven hours during the day. Gargling onion syrup is another method of healing strained vocal cords. Three large onions should be sliced, placed in a pan with 4 cups of water and simmered until it becomes syrupy. Strain the syrup into a jar and add 6 tbls. to warm water, squeeze in a slice of lemon and sip.
- According to Natural News.com, honey is well known to be as effective as cough syrup when it comes to healing the throat. It helps to clear away any inflammation on the vocal chords. A simple tablespoon of honey will help to sooth the vocal chords while they heal. Try squeezing half a lemon into a glass of water and then adding 2 tbls. of honey and one-tenth tsp. of cayenne pepper. Drinking the concoction will not only reduce inflammation, but break up any mucus around the vocal cords, making it possible to speak again.
- Leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits that have a lot of vitamins and minerals will help to keep the throat healthy and clean making it easier to heal. Also, while a big bowl of ice cream sounds like a great solution, especially if the throat is itchy, avoiding dairy products will help the vocal cords to heal faster. Dairy products tend to increase the body's mucus production making it hard for the body to heal.