How to Make Personal Injury Claims in Three Simple Steps
In fact, this is what the solicitor is for.
The truth is that there is actually very little that the claimant has to do, beyond beginning the whole process by approaching a professional about making compensation claims.
Whether one seeks whiplash compensation after a minor car accident or work accident compensation after a fall or other incident in the workplace, the whole process is simple, requiring just three straightforward steps that can be easily followed.
Contact a No Win, No Fee Solicitor The obvious first step is contact a solicitor.
The hardest part of this is actually deciding to pursue a claim in the first place, with many people hesitant over the prospect of claiming money from someone, even if it is in compensation of an injury.
However, this is the reason why we pay insurance, and is also our right.
Of course, when choosing a solicitor make sure of two things.
Firstly, that the solicitor is reputable and experienced.
This can be easily checked out on the internet or through people you know who can recommend someone.
Secondly, make sure the solicitor works on a no win, no fee basis.
This is the most cost-effective option, effectively protecting the claimant from the risk of high costs in the event that their claim is unsuccessful.
Have an Initial Consultation The initial consultation is designed to evaluate the strength of a claim.
This is done by discussing the situation surrounding, actual events and subsequent outcome of an accident, with particular emphasis placed on establishing responsibility.
Obviously, this fact is the cornerstone of any claim.
Once it has been decided that the claim is strong enough to proceed with, then the wheels will begin to roll.
Leave it to The Solicitor The third step begins with the solicitor sending a letter of claim to the defendant, be it a person or company.
The letter will detail the injuries suffered by his or her client, and the amount of compensation being sought in the claim.
All of the necessary paperwork and evidence required will be organised and overseen by the solicitor, but statements will have to be given and signed by the claimant, specific details corroborated and medical evidence secured.
This last type of evidence may require a medical examination.
If the claim is being made some time after the actual event, then an expert evaluation on the connection between the accident and any existing physical pain or hardship will be necessary.
Step Four There may be a fourth step, and that is going to court.
This is not as commonly done as most people believe, with the vast majority of claims being settled out of court.
The reasons for this are twofold.
The first is that going to court will result in added court costs, which will mean that the unsuccessful party faces a larger bill.
The second is that taking matters to the courts will lengthen the whole process considerably.
Instead of ending the matter in months, it may take a year before the case is heard, and another 6 months for any compensation awarded to be actually paid.
Settling the matter as quickly as possible is usually what both parties desire.
Of course, it is the responsibility of the solicitor to advise on all matters to do with compensation claims, but the decisions are made by the claimant.
So, if an insurance company makes a settlement offer, the solicitor can recommend that it be rejected on the grounds it is too low, but the claimant can opt to accept it if they wish.
After all, the claimant is the employer in this professional relationship, not the solicitor.
Regardless of the type of claim that one wishes to make, the process is a simple one.
Remember that work accident compensation claims require practically all of the same documentation as evidence as personal injury claims do.
But, in all cases, it is the solicitor who will ensure that everything is put together properly and in full, making sure that the claimant has little worry about and nothing to stress over.