Homemade Acne Remedies You Can Use For Fast Relief of Acne Symptoms
Here are some of the homemade acne remedies you might want to consider for a cheaper and better alternative for expensive treatments.
Tea tree oil treatment.
Tea tree oil can be bought at any grocery store.
All you have to do is dab the oil to your entire face and let it stay there for at least 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes or so, rinse it off with water and mild soap.
It also is an option if you don't want to rinse it off.
It doesn't matter.
Immediately it will work on fighting off bacteria which keeps the acne from appearing and coming.
Oatmeal mask treatment.
Who would have thought that the all time favorite breakfast is also the all time favorite acne treatment? Oatmeal is a very good exfoliant.
Exfoliant gets rid of dead skin cells.
This also is packed with antibacterial agent which kills the acne causing bacteria.
All you have to do is mix oatmeal with milk, put in on a food processor, or if not, just soak it in milk just like you do for breakfast.
After doing so, put on face as a mask.
Let it stay on your face for at least 20 minutes.
While rinsing, gently rub the oatmeal residue on your face to get rid of the dead skin cells all the more.
Milk and oatmeal not only is a very combination for a day's source of carbohydrates but also extremely good for the face as well.
Eat foods rich in zinc.
Yes this is also very important.
More than all the vitamins and minerals, it is zinc that targets acne.
Zinc is an antibacterial agent and a very important element effectively known to control the oil producing glands of the skin.
Investing on a zinc filled diet is a sure fire way of not only getting rid of your acne but also making your skin look even better and better.
Foods rich in zinc are
Tea tree oil treatment.
Tea tree oil can be bought at any grocery store.
All you have to do is dab the oil to your entire face and let it stay there for at least 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes or so, rinse it off with water and mild soap.
It also is an option if you don't want to rinse it off.
It doesn't matter.
Immediately it will work on fighting off bacteria which keeps the acne from appearing and coming.
Oatmeal mask treatment.
Who would have thought that the all time favorite breakfast is also the all time favorite acne treatment? Oatmeal is a very good exfoliant.
Exfoliant gets rid of dead skin cells.
This also is packed with antibacterial agent which kills the acne causing bacteria.
All you have to do is mix oatmeal with milk, put in on a food processor, or if not, just soak it in milk just like you do for breakfast.
After doing so, put on face as a mask.
Let it stay on your face for at least 20 minutes.
While rinsing, gently rub the oatmeal residue on your face to get rid of the dead skin cells all the more.
Milk and oatmeal not only is a very combination for a day's source of carbohydrates but also extremely good for the face as well.
Eat foods rich in zinc.
Yes this is also very important.
More than all the vitamins and minerals, it is zinc that targets acne.
Zinc is an antibacterial agent and a very important element effectively known to control the oil producing glands of the skin.
Investing on a zinc filled diet is a sure fire way of not only getting rid of your acne but also making your skin look even better and better.
Foods rich in zinc are