Guide to Childhood Skin Care
Children are the more likely to get infected with skin diseases as they have affinity to touch and put infected fingers in the mouth and touch parts of the body.
Pinworms (threadworm) -
Pinworms are the tiny insects found in the intestines of children affected with this disease. The main cause of this disease is the habit of children of touching things & then putting their hand to their mouth and in the process likely to swallow the eggs of pinworms.
Treatment of pinworms consists of over-the-counter medications containing mebendazole as an ingredient.
Molluscum contagiosum -
This skin disease is caused by a viral infection. This is a commonly occurring ailment since is a highly contagious disease. This infection results in the onset of small pink or coffee coloured small round growths on the body of the child.
Ringworm -
Cause of this infection are bacterial led and cause rings on the infected area of the skin. This is a contagious disease & suffering patients are best isolated from healthier children to present spread & outbreak. Treatment includes application of a strong antifungal cream to the affected areas
Psoriasis -
This is a viral led infection in which the patients skin becomes inflamed & turns into a dark shade of red. Till sometime back this outbreak of this ailment were thought to be caused by faulty signals from the immune system.
There are five types of psoriasis Dr ramya Tripuraneni along with Dr Francisco Kerdel have conducted research work on the efficacy of biologics in psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa. They have conducted clinical trials for its treatment.
Dr Ramya Triperaneni M.D. is a specialist in Dermatology is an authority in childrens skin diseases.
She has excelled in studying of the more than 1500 different disorders of the skin. Dr Ramya Triperaneni, is able to recognize most skin diseases based on their appearances, anatomic distributions and behavior. In cases where Dr. Ramya Triperaneni is unable to draw a conclusive diagnosis, a skin biopsy is performed. This process helps reveal the histology of the disease and results inconclusive diagnostic interpretation.