Buying a Clawfoot Tub on the Internet
Exactly why would an individual buy a clawfoot tub showeron the internet? Consider the variety, price and convenience of purchasing your clawfoot bathtub online.
Reason #1 There are many very good reasons why you should buy a clawfoot tub on-line, to start with let's discuss the obvious.
The selection offered for clawfoot tub showers, clawfoot bathtubs, faucets and accessories online completely dwarfs what is available in any local marketplace.
At very best you will be able to locate 1 or 2 bathtubs at one of the large home improvement stores.
If you look a bit further into some of the high-end kitchen and bathroom design stores you will probably come across 4 or 5 tubs and perhaps 20 or so faucets however the chances of getting beyond that are generally next to nothing.
Now evaluate that to what you will discover easily obtainable in many of the major online clawfoot bathtub retailers that have hundreds of tubs, faucets, enclosures and components to pick from.
And not only will these online retailers have a wide range of styles available they are going to offer you each style in nearly every finish!! Let me add yet another advantage that the majority of people overlook which is most of these stores usually also provide add-ons such as bath towel bars, toilet roll holders as well as cabinet knobs in matching finishes.
Sounds too good to be true right? Need more persuading?? Price This is certainly the one which world-wide-web shoppers have acknowledged for a long time: you are able to more often than not acquire what ever it is you're trying to find cheaper on the web.
I've discovered many individuals are amazed that this is true with tubs, only because they assume the actual shipping to cancel out any cost savings they may realise but guess what...
Shipping and delivery is nearly always no cost and then to help to make the deal even sweeter the cost of the tub is often lower.
Now while I'm on the topic of cost I've got to talk about another area that online shopping really excels in: Comparison shopping.
Considering that the world is at your fingertips you can review precisely the same item alongside others across several websites.
You will not only discover just what you would like but you'll also find it for the lowest selling price on the market.
Are you ready to pull the trigger on this one yet?? If not, I've still got a lot more! You're not lazy This one is apparent yet this article would certainly be unfinished without it.
Shopping for a clawfoot tub shower or tub on the internet may make an individual feel lazy due to the fact it's just so darned convenient! Some say that our nation's slogan is becoming offer me comfort or give me death and while I'm sure that's a little bit excessive a person can't deny that it's easier to power up a pc and get on the net at any time of the day or even night compared to getting everyone in the vehicle, driving to some retailer that may or might possibly not have what you want.
Oh and let's keep in mind that you're probably going to have to do this around the weekend break when you ought to be relaxing and having fun.
You've come this far so I know you're with me.
Allow me to offer you a point or two more just so you know I'm not "blowing smoke".
Hands on OK OK...
I know what a number of you have already been thinking because I experienced the same thing when I purchased my own clawfoot bathtub shower on the net.
I was thinking "self...
you're going to invest several thousand bucks for a product you've never seen in the real world.
You've certainly not experienced the grade of the fixtures, the weight of the hand shower etc.
are you nuts!!!" Well, maybe I am however to put my thoughts at rest I came across a great deal of testimonials about the products I bought in addition to feedback on the integrity of the producers.
I also could tell that the top ranked retailers had been well established and had good reputations both on and offline.
It's easy to find this information.
Take it from me on this one, your worries are unjustified.
Dealing with returns If we're going to look at each and every perspective about this then we should also consider the uncommon but not unheard of return.
It's not as big of a deal as you may think.
Each company handles the procedure differently but they're all reasonable.
In the event you end up getting a product at your home and decide that you just don't want it then take care of that moment if it comes.
Chances are if you've made your comparisons, invested time looking around and read the actual reviews then the merchandise that gets to your home will match the image you've made in your mind.
Don't allow unjustified anxieties deter you..
Don't cut off your nose in spite of your face...
don't throw the baby out with the bath water...
Just trust yourself, trust me and move forward.
Wrap it up!! So am I missing anything on either side of this coin? Are there other benefits that you've experienced that I haven't listed here? Did I address all of your concerns and if not what are they.
While I don't think the internet is the best way to buy everything I've lived this one myself and can tell you..
"come on in, the water's fine".