Depression Information - Facts You Should Know
Alarmingly the number of people suffering with the condition continues to grow.
On any given day approximately 120 million people worldwide suffer from depression.
Over the course of a year 6% of the world's men and 12% of the world's women will battle an episode of depression.
In this informational article titled "Depression Information" we will delve into the specifics of the condition.
Depression is characterized by an extremely sad mood that persists for an extended period of time and a loss of pleasure in perusing life experiences that used to make you happy.
A person battling depression likely will be experiencing certain changes in behavior such as problems sleeping, either too much or too little; fatigue or consistently low energy levels; unwarranted changes in weight; loss of concentration and/or focus; and feelings of nervousness or anxiety.
When mild to moderate depression makes the leap to severe depression there can also be recurrent thoughts about dying or actual suicide attempts.
If you are experiencing the above symptoms for at least 14 days, you could be diagnosed as having a major depressive disorder.
If this condition is left untreated the average time it takes for the condition to resolve itself is nine months.
Once the dark cloud of depression has lifted you might return to feeling like your old self.
Nevertheless, after your first depressive episode the odds are 50% more likely that another depressive episode is in your future.
Perhaps even more disturbing is the fact that with each new episode the odds only get worse that these episodes will keep recurring.
For this reason seeking professional help is of paramount importance.
Cause The precise cause of depression is still unknown.
While there are many potential causes let's briefly cover three of the most common areas that are known to have an effect on its development.
Biology/Brain Chemistry: The neurotransmitters (brain massagers) norepinephrine and serotonin appear to play a major role in the development of depression.
Initially, it was thought that low levels of these chemicals in the brain were the cause but more recent studies seem to indicate that these two hormones may regulate other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and acetylcholine.
Heredity: If you have an immediate family member who is depressed, you are up to three times more likely to develop depression than a person who is not related to your family.
Illness: Chronic illnesses (diabetes) or life threatening diseases (cancer) are likely to produce states or depression in even the strongest and most positive personalities.
Additionally, certain illnesses cause chemical changes in the body that can cause depression or depression like symptoms.
The amount of depression information conveyed in this article is just the tip of iceberg and you should use this information to build a better understanding of the life altering condition known as depression.
Additionally, many people who are fighting the battle against depression are finding success in the form of natural herbal remedies.
These all natural formulas for depression are a safe and effective way to manage common depressive symptoms without the potential side effects of prescription medications.