Stinky Way to Get Rid of Acne - Ew, What"s the Deal? Does it Actually Work?
It's no rumor, sulfur has been used to treat acne breakouts for thousands of years now.
But with all of today's modern technology, should we really rely on such a primitive concept to cure the ever-so annoying problem of acne? What is sulfur? Sulfur is a mineral that is often associated with volcanic hot spots and natural hot springs.
Sulfur is yellow and color and caries a distinct odor that is easily recognizable.
If you've ever smelled sulfur in any form, you know what I'm talking about.
It smells like a mix between rotten eggs and poop.
Yuck! However, sulfur isn't entirely bad.
In many cases, it has been known to clear up mild acne.
I will explain how to make a sulfur paste, an excellent natural treatment of acne.
Step 1 Acquire pure sulfur powder.
You can find this at almost any drug store like Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, etc.
It should be a fine powder, and yellow in color.
If it is not, you need to make sure you bought pure sulfur powder.
"Cut" sulfur powders will not work! Step 2 Gather the other materials needed to make your treatment.
This includes a small mixing bowl, table salt, a spoon or mixer, and water.
Step 3 Measure out 2 parts sulfur and 1 part water.
Mix these together and you should have created a thick paste.
Now, sprinkle a little bit of salt into the mixture.
You should only mix enough to "dust the top", so to speak.
Stir it thoroughly.
Step 4 This paste will be spread onto your skin, so if it seems like it is too thick, and water as desired.
Do not add too much water causing it to be too runny.
It should maintain a somewhat thick consistency.
Step 5 Cover and let settle in the refrigerator for an hour.
Take a shower (so your face is fairly clean) and then apply the cool paste immediately after you get out.
It should be thick enough on your face to look like a mask.
Girls should know what I mean here.
Us guys might not understand.
Basically make it about as thick as icing on a cake.
Let the mixture sit on your skin for approximately 30 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
When you rinse your face, you might feel slight irritation.
This is normal.
Only apply this mask once a week, otherwise your face will become too irritated and your acne condition will worsen.
I won't lie to you - Sulfur masks smell very bad.
The sulfur that is absorbed into your skin might emit a slight odor over the next few days.
But with all of today's modern technology, should we really rely on such a primitive concept to cure the ever-so annoying problem of acne? What is sulfur? Sulfur is a mineral that is often associated with volcanic hot spots and natural hot springs.
Sulfur is yellow and color and caries a distinct odor that is easily recognizable.
If you've ever smelled sulfur in any form, you know what I'm talking about.
It smells like a mix between rotten eggs and poop.
Yuck! However, sulfur isn't entirely bad.
In many cases, it has been known to clear up mild acne.
I will explain how to make a sulfur paste, an excellent natural treatment of acne.
Step 1 Acquire pure sulfur powder.
You can find this at almost any drug store like Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, etc.
It should be a fine powder, and yellow in color.
If it is not, you need to make sure you bought pure sulfur powder.
"Cut" sulfur powders will not work! Step 2 Gather the other materials needed to make your treatment.
This includes a small mixing bowl, table salt, a spoon or mixer, and water.
Step 3 Measure out 2 parts sulfur and 1 part water.
Mix these together and you should have created a thick paste.
Now, sprinkle a little bit of salt into the mixture.
You should only mix enough to "dust the top", so to speak.
Stir it thoroughly.
Step 4 This paste will be spread onto your skin, so if it seems like it is too thick, and water as desired.
Do not add too much water causing it to be too runny.
It should maintain a somewhat thick consistency.
Step 5 Cover and let settle in the refrigerator for an hour.
Take a shower (so your face is fairly clean) and then apply the cool paste immediately after you get out.
It should be thick enough on your face to look like a mask.
Girls should know what I mean here.
Us guys might not understand.
Basically make it about as thick as icing on a cake.
Let the mixture sit on your skin for approximately 30 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
When you rinse your face, you might feel slight irritation.
This is normal.
Only apply this mask once a week, otherwise your face will become too irritated and your acne condition will worsen.
I won't lie to you - Sulfur masks smell very bad.
The sulfur that is absorbed into your skin might emit a slight odor over the next few days.