Training Yourself Outside of Job Training
For trainees in the airline industry, one of the best ways to make training sessions better is to read industry published materials to gain insight into the cutting edge. There are a variety of airline and industry magazines that are available through local libraries that contain articles about the latest in customer service, technical, and business methods. As well, there is an overabundance of web sites maintained by airline professional unions, airlines, and the government that can keep trainees updated on news within the industry. The airline industry, more so than other transportation industries, thrives on the cutting edge. Young professionals who recognize this fact will speed up their learning process.
Professionals in the rail industry, on the other hand, are advised to experience the railroad firsthand instead of relying on books. Rail travel is inexpensive and more readily available to young professionals than air travel. By stepping foot on a commuter rail train or a cross country rail trip, professionals can experience the sights and sounds of an industry reliant on repeat customers. In addition to traveling by train, trainees can take tours of railroad depots, museums, and historical railroads in order to fully appreciate where rail travel has come from. The trainee who takes this kind of initiative will be better served in their professional life.
Safety and health professionals who want to expand their training need to review legal documents and other government materials on their specific area. While this is not as thrilling as taking a plane or a train, it is necessary for safety and health trainees to familiarize themselves with all aspects of their job. Inspectors and troubleshooters need to be familiar with government standards for railways and airports while also understanding the repercussions of failing to meet these standards. Supplementing training with rigorous research will make for a successful inspecting career.