Best Tips for Happy Hosting of Your Wedding Event at a Restaurant
Never settle for the second best when choosing a wedding venue. The occasion is one of the most special occasions in your life and you have to be meticulous about what you choose as a site to host it. If you are all for good food, you could always go for a dining place or a lounge or even a bistro. These places have now counted amongst the favorite venues for hosting weddings. Especially for people who are not looking at too elaborate a plan but want a nice small cozy wedding, restaurants are perfect.
Why a Restaurant?
Restaurants of course give you a completely novel feel with their done up interiors which catch people's attention right away. They are nice intimate spaces. They do not have to be additionally decorated. And of course they are cheaper than other venues.
Cheaper Venues:
Restaurants are always cheaper venues primarily because you don't have to rent any cutlery or glassware or furniture or even decoration. In fact restaurants provide you with linen too. Of course there is always the fact that you don't have to arrange for food separately as the restaurant will cater for it. Isn't that one of the primary reasons why people get married in restaurants?
The Other Advantages:
Given the huge number of restaurants around, the most fascinating thing about them is that they offer your kind of style that is not compromisable. If you want it all formal and sophisticated and elegant and smooth, you will definitely have some fancy lounge space around. If you want it cool and casual, there is once again a lot of smaller spaces which look like that. There are then several options no doubt.
A Theme:
Restaurants offer various kinds of themes. So if you are looking for a Chinese style theme you could go for a Chinese restaurant with the same kind of food. A Japanese style wedding can give you a space lit up with those paper lamps and origami dcor. Mexican food preference should take you to a Mexican restaurant with some great music thrown in. Or if you are looking for some jazzy feel, there are plenty of jazz bars around.
Likewise even with the food menu you have a great deal of choice. Guests can actually go for a great variety of food which they can't do at other venues. But then this might be possible only for small gatherings. Otherwise you can still go for a pretty elaborate meal system. If you don't want a seated arrangement you can always go for a buffet or a brunch. You could have different small bars catering to a wide variety of drinks thereby. The bars could also serve snacks and pasta and salads and other tit-bits. If there are kids invited do remember to insert food items for them in the menu. Your guests could have several options with the food when you host your wedding at a restaurant.
Of course you also have to check whether the restaurant is big enough to hold your entire wedding party. Also do not ever go for sharing the restaurant with another wedding party because the results are always disastrous. Maximum priority should be reserved for you. So think about it, it's not a bad deal after all.
Why a Restaurant?
Restaurants of course give you a completely novel feel with their done up interiors which catch people's attention right away. They are nice intimate spaces. They do not have to be additionally decorated. And of course they are cheaper than other venues.
Cheaper Venues:
Restaurants are always cheaper venues primarily because you don't have to rent any cutlery or glassware or furniture or even decoration. In fact restaurants provide you with linen too. Of course there is always the fact that you don't have to arrange for food separately as the restaurant will cater for it. Isn't that one of the primary reasons why people get married in restaurants?
The Other Advantages:
Given the huge number of restaurants around, the most fascinating thing about them is that they offer your kind of style that is not compromisable. If you want it all formal and sophisticated and elegant and smooth, you will definitely have some fancy lounge space around. If you want it cool and casual, there is once again a lot of smaller spaces which look like that. There are then several options no doubt.
A Theme:
Restaurants offer various kinds of themes. So if you are looking for a Chinese style theme you could go for a Chinese restaurant with the same kind of food. A Japanese style wedding can give you a space lit up with those paper lamps and origami dcor. Mexican food preference should take you to a Mexican restaurant with some great music thrown in. Or if you are looking for some jazzy feel, there are plenty of jazz bars around.
Likewise even with the food menu you have a great deal of choice. Guests can actually go for a great variety of food which they can't do at other venues. But then this might be possible only for small gatherings. Otherwise you can still go for a pretty elaborate meal system. If you don't want a seated arrangement you can always go for a buffet or a brunch. You could have different small bars catering to a wide variety of drinks thereby. The bars could also serve snacks and pasta and salads and other tit-bits. If there are kids invited do remember to insert food items for them in the menu. Your guests could have several options with the food when you host your wedding at a restaurant.
Of course you also have to check whether the restaurant is big enough to hold your entire wedding party. Also do not ever go for sharing the restaurant with another wedding party because the results are always disastrous. Maximum priority should be reserved for you. So think about it, it's not a bad deal after all.