Best Networking Tips
When you feel this way, what do you do with the business cards you collect? Throw them away? Stash them in your desk? At one event, I was talking to a lady when a man interrupted, shouted his name, handed me his business card, and darted off all in a matter of five seconds.
I was so caught off guard, I didn't even hear his name.
You want to make sure you're getting the most out of your networking experiences.
It's about building relationships not card collecting.
Here are some quick tips for great networking: 1.
Dress the part.
Look like someone who represents your company and who you would want to do business with.
Write your 60-second elevator pitch.
You say this when you're introducing yourself.
This should include who you are, what you do, who your ideal client is, and what results your ideal client can expect to get.
Memorize your elevator pitch.
You are bound to get asked "What do you do" when you're at a social event, at your kids' school, or meeting new people.
This is a great way to hook them into what you are doing, wanting to know more about it, and how you can help them.
At the end of your elevator pitch, tell them what type of people you are looking for.
You can say this with, "Who/What I'm looking for is...
" This way people don't take your business card (which will save you printing costs too) unless they know someone who fits.
In reverse you don't take other business cards unless you know someone they are looking for, which allows you to make solid pertinent contacts.
For people you think will be a great contact, take the time after the event to speak with them directly, even if it's just to set up a "get to know them better" call.
You don't want this one-on-one time to pass you by.
You probably don't get dressed up, looking your best every day.
So take advantage of it.
If you go to a monthly networking event, set up appointments before and after next month's event.
This saves you time, driving, and gas instead of doing it another day.
Plus getting that face time makes a huge impact on contacts.
There is nothing worse than leaving a business breakfast or lunch feeling let down, as thought you didn't accomplish anything.
You want to create leads, make connections, and meet new people.
Next time you sign up for an event, make sure to practice these six great strategies.
They will help make your next networking event a success, because you'll be able to connect with people who are right for your business while building relationships with many more.
Happy networking!