Those First Few Dates - How to Impress Her
Great! Now you are questioning your every move.
You do not want to blow it with this one.
Here is how to relax, be yourself, AND impress her all at the same time: 1.
Take her on a one on one date, not on a group date.
We know you are nervous.
We know you may be more comfortable taking her to a party or some other social gathering, but what you need to understand about us is we are more intense than you guys most of the time.
In the beginning, we want to get to know YOU, not you AND your friends.
Take her to a nice place.
If you are going out to dinner, choose a place that is somewhere in between fast food and super fancy.
One says you do not care, and the other says you are trying to buy her affection.
Do what you say.
If you say you are going to call her the next day, call her.
If you do not mean it, do not say it.
Nothing makes a woman angrier more than a man who is unreliable.
We understand that at times things come up and agreements need to be changed.
But if you start off being one of those guys who does not do what he says, she may see the red flag waving and call it quits before you even have a chance to show her any of your good qualities.
Steer clear of the movies.
How can you possibly get to know someone while you are both starting at a screen in a place where it is rude to talk? 5.
If you like her, say so.
Share your positive feelings about her, if you have them.
Do not try to play it cool by holding it in, but do not gush all over her, either.
I know a guy at the strip club that gives me an average of about one compliment every 10 seconds.
I am pretty good at receiving compliments, but that is too much even for me! 6.
Ironically, one of the main ways to impress her is not to TRY to impress her.
You do not need to brag about how much money you make, how big your house is, or how big your penis is.
If you just act like yourself, your good qualities will shine through and she will be able to see for herself all the reasons you are a great guy to date.
Otherwise, we may conclude that either you are insecure, a liar, or both.