How to Build a Mealworm Bird Feeder
- 1). Saw an 8-inch-long section of PVC pipe using your handsaw.
- 2). Place end caps on both ends of the PVC pipe. Drill a few tiny holes in the bottom end cap to allow for drainage.
- 3). Drill two holes on opposite sides of the PVC pipe with a 1 ½-inch drill bit. The holes will allow birds to access the worms in the feeder.
- 4). Sand the rough edges of the holes with a file or sandpaper.
- 5). Paint a disc-shaped object white to reflect the sun to prevent the mealworms from overheating. Drill a hole through the center of the disc and the center of the top PVC end cap. Screw a hook screw through the top of the disc and secure it in place with a bolt.
- 6). Thread a cable tie through the hook screw. For added protection against squirrels, slide a cone-shaped squirrel baffle over the cable tie.
- 7). Hang the cable tie on a shepherd's crook or tree branch.
- 8). Add old-fashioned oats and a few carrot slices to the feeder to provide food and moisture for mealworms. Replace the oats and carrots regularly.
- 9). Fill the feeder with live mealworms.