Article Writing Tips - Don"t Over-Complicate Things
Certainly, if you're reading this article, you've read at least a few of these on the subject as well.
And while education is important, too many people over-complicate the art of writing articles.
Well, I'm going to put the entire process into as simple an explanation as I can.
What you are about to read is the basic amount of information that you will need to write an article that does what it's supposed to do.
For starters, pick a title for the article that clearly says what the article is going to be about.
You don't want to have your readers guessing.
They're looking for certain pieces of information and the title is going to be the first place they will look to get validation that THIS article is going to give them the information that they're looking for.
Yes, it's that simple.
Don't over-complicate it.
Secondly, you want to speak to your reader in plain English.
Unless you're trying to impress them with your command of the English language or your witty sense of humor, you want to simply give the reader the info that they're looking for in a way that they clearly understand what you are saying.
The average reader has a reading level of about 13 years old.
So don't make their head hurt in the process.
Simple and straight to the point is always best.
Finally, and this is for those readers who have short attention spans, you want to summarize at the end of your article so that the main points are reinforced.
That way, they will actually walk away from your article with these items fresh in their mind.
That gives them the best chance to actually act on the information.
Otherwise, they're going to forget half of what they read and never look back at it.
Writing is not rocket science.
One of the first things we are taught in this lifetime is how to communicate.
Pick a title that clearly tells the reader what they're going to read, speak to them in a way that is simple and to the point and summarize at the end, and you should have no problem pleasing your readers.
Yes, it's THAT simple.
Don't over-complicate it.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim