Automatic Exception Reporting: Detects Bug Easily For End Users
DoesnâEUR(TM)t matter how fine you design as well as write the software, this is bound for encountering a few exceptions or errors while going wild âEUR" it is fact for the life in the.Net Outsourcing. Thus, it is important when any exception or error happens on end-user's website, made by.Net programmers, which you want to know regarding them. You have to make the easy for end-users for reporting the errors as well as exceptions for you. In addition, the omission report has to contain sufficient details so that one can able to resolve the source of problem.
Automatic makes very easy to catch all unhandled exceptions, which occur in the software as well as for the users for easily reporting the exceptions for.Net programmers with one click.
Exception Reports
- Complete stack outline info with values of the method arguments as well as local variables
- done contains following details:
- Miscellaneous details like exception time, build number, full assemblies, etc
- Possible developer defined customized data like screenshots, log files, etc.
- System details
Automatic assists in subsequent ways:
- Contains different pertinent as well as useful details regarding exception and the context
- Increases sales and customer satisfaction
- Increases probability that end-user may report exception for you through making that extremely easy to send the towards you
- Increases turnaround time for the bug-fixing procedure
Automatic SDK permits you to extend and customized in subsequent ways:
- Add customized data like screenshots, log files, etc for exception reports.
- Carry out customized handling while exception is lifted - for instance, you may send towards.Net programmers or may save it for filing using API, or permit default handling taking place after the customized handling.
Automatic is the boon for.Net programmers, who are searching to deliver eminence.Net Outsourcing and bug-free software for their customers. That increases and facilitates ease through which the end-users may report bugs for you. At same time, that offers ample information that you may use to determine problem easily and quickly. Automatic Exception Reporting may dramatically enhance customer satisfaction as well as sales for the software.