How to Remove Fake Scanner Malware?
Hence, all the process is described below in order to remove Fake Scanner Malware.
€Safe mode Startup - In order to protect your computer from occurrence of any infections, you must start your computer in safe mode. To start your computer in safe mode, you just press F8 until the windows provide you the option to run it in safe mode. Choose the option €Safe Mode' and ten press enter. Now, allow the Windows to completely boost in safe mode.
€Create backup through system restore - First, go to Start menu then choose Programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore. Thus, €System restore' utility is launched. As per the instructions provided in the utility, create New restore point and then give a name that is suitable for it. At the time of any malfunction and issues of the system, this restore point comes in a use. During that time with the help of this restore point, you can revert back in order to make it normal. Then, go to next step.
€Ending the Processes running due to the fake scanner malware - Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE then choose from the options €Start Task manager'. From the Processes tab, search all the related processes of Fake Scanner Malware in order to keep it running though the computer is affected. Just by selecting end the process and then click on the button €End Process'. Then, delete the file location of fake scanner malware.
€Unregistering the files - Go to start menu then click on €Run' command. Now, type €cmd' then press enter in order to get command prompt window. For unregistering the dll files - €regsvr32 /u + dll file name€ type this command and then press enter. €The dll file has been unregistered' message you will get. Along the fake scanner malware perform this for all dll file names.
€Delete Fake Scanner Malware files - Go to Start menu then click on €Search'. Choose €All files and folders' and all the options should be checked so that search results can be enhanced. All the files that are related to the Fake scanner malware is then searched and deleted.
€Delete Registry values - In the start menu go to €Run' option then a command option appears. €Rregedit.exe' type this then click on €Ok'. This opens the Registry editor. To start the search tool just press F3. Then, all the registry values that are related to fake scanner malware is being searched and you will come to see that on the right pane all the searched registry values appears. Now, delete them one after another then after doing this close the registry editor. In order to complete the changes restart your computer. After performing all the above steps, you will come to know that your computer is completely free from Fake Scanner Malware.