The Secret to Getting Rid of Dry Skin For Good
They are all natural topical creams for dry skin and the ingredients are 100% safe.
It's about time.
For many years, all of the mass produced creams for getting rid of dry skin contained more allergens and toxins than anything else.
The ingredients that they claimed were moisturizing have turned out to provide no real benefit for the skin's moisture content or its ability to retain moisture.
Cosmetic companies relied on petrolatum and mineral oil, byproducts of the petroleum (gasoline) industry.
Those ingredients actually repel water.
They are not similar to the skin's natural oils.
They do not penetrate the skin's layers.
They cause excessive greasiness and clog the pores.
Eventually, they cause excessive dryness, which leads people to use more.
There are several natural topical creams for dry skin that include vegetable-based oils, which are similar to those produced by the sebaceous glands.
Grape seed, avocado, Shea butter and jojoba are among them.
But, a recent discovery has produced one of the most effective natural topical creams for dry skin.
One company was able to isolate the protein present in New Zealand sheep's wool and found that the amino acids that compose the protein are very similar to those needed to produce new collagen, elastin, keratin and other skin-cells.
That makes it an anti-aging complex, but research has shown that it is also one of the most effective creams for getting rid of dry skin.
Until this amino acid complex was found, glycerin was one of the most moisturizing ingredients available.
It increased the skin's moisture content by about 5%.
After one application, the new cream increases the skin's moisture content by over 25%.
Normally, the moisture improvement of natural topical creams for dry skin is temporary.
But, with this new one, a 20% improvement in moisture is retained for 24 hours after application.
In addition, after two weeks of use, the skin's ability to retain moisture is improved by 14%.
That makes these creams for getting rid of dry skin the most effective on the market.
They are healing, beneficial for dermatitis and conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
They can be used on broken or injured areas, because they are completely safe.
Often, you see labels on hand and body lotion warning you not to use them on irritated areas.
That's because they contain toxins that can worsen the irritation or are dangerous if they enter the bloodstream.
The key ingredient in these new natural topical creams for dry skin is called Cynergy-TK.
A lotion that contained that single ingredient would be effective, but other ingredients are also beneficial.
Wakame kelp, for example, contains minerals necessary to maintain the skin's moisture balance, over time.
If you want effective creams for getting rid of dry skin, those are two of the ingredients to look for.
Just remember that the big brand names don't have them.
Visit my website today to learn more about the skin care products I personally use that contain Cynergy TK.