Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy on Depo Provera
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Depo-Provera is an injectable hormone, which can prevent pregnancy for up to three months. Depo-Provera prevents the release of an egg from the ovary, thickens cervical mucus, and thins the lining of the uterine wall to prevent pregnancy. Planned Parenthood indicates that less than one percent of women who use Depo-Provera as directed will become pregnant; however, those that do will experience similar symptoms to other pregnant women. If you think you may be pregnant while using Depo-Provera, see your physician immediately. - The most common pregnancy symptom, according to the American Pregnancy Association, is a missed period. For many women, this is their first indication that they may be pregnant. Women who are on Depo-Provera, however, may not have regular menstruation and thus will not notice a missed period as the first symptom of pregnancy.
- Feeling fatigued or more tired can begin as early as one week after conception. There are numerous causes for fatigue in pregnancy. The rise in progesterone can make a woman extra sleepy; anemia and depression are also common in pregnancy and often increase feelings of tiredness; and your body is undergoing the hard work of supporting and developing your fetus.
- While it is often called "morning sickness," this symptom, which commonly appears two to eight weeks after conception, can strike any time of the day. Nausea in pregnancy is related to a woman's sensitivity to the circulation of estrogen in her body. Pregnant women commonly report less nausea after the first trimester; however, it can last throughout the entire pregnancy. Eating small nutritious snacks throughout the day may help ease your nausea. Alternatively, you may need a prescription from your physician for a medication to relieve your nausea.
- As early as one week after conception, some women begin to experience swelling, tenderness, and general soreness in their breasts. This is caused by the increase in levels of estrogen and enlarging of the milk glands. Wear a supportive bra to ease the discomfort.
- Pregnancy causes sudden rises in hormone levels, which may result in headaches more commonly than previously experienced. Talk to your doctor about which over the counter medicines are safe to take at different stages of pregnancy.
- Many women feel strong cravings for certain foods while they are pregnant. Eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet and taking a prenatal vitamin may help to curb cravings. When unhealthy cravings strike, try to substitute a healthy alternative, for example roasted potato wedges instead of French fries.
- Six to eight weeks after conception, you may find yourself making more trips to the bathroom than you had been previously. This is also related to the increase in hormone production, and the changes in your abdomen to allow for the growth of your uterus.