Transient ST Elevation After Ketamine Intoxication
Transient ST Elevation After Ketamine Intoxication
Brugada Syndrome and Ketamine Overdose. A 31-year-old man was referred for ketamine overdose. He presented initially with transient major Brugada ECG pattern. Complete investigation led to the diagnosis of slowly resolvent toxic myocarditis. Brugada-like ECG was suspected to be caused by the ketamine intoxication in this case.
Abstract and Introduction
Brugada Syndrome and Ketamine Overdose. A 31-year-old man was referred for ketamine overdose. He presented initially with transient major Brugada ECG pattern. Complete investigation led to the diagnosis of slowly resolvent toxic myocarditis. Brugada-like ECG was suspected to be caused by the ketamine intoxication in this case.