Foods That Raise Triglycerides
- Limit your use of oils, margarine and butter. Check the sugar content of jams and preservatives; eat jams and jellies in moderation.
- Soft drinks and juices contain large amounts of sugar and will raise triglycerides. In addition, be careful when adding sugar to your coffee or tea. Reduce the amount of alcohol you consume.
- Limit meats high in saturated fat. Replace meats like steak with lean protein and fish. The American Heart Association recommends eating salmon because it's high in omega-3 fats.
- Ice cream and snack cakes are full of sugar and fat. Only eat them occasionally unless you buy a reduced or sugar-free variation. Limit other snacks like cookies and pudding.
- Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will lower triglycerides. Select sugar-free foods as often as possible to maintain a healthy triglyceride level.