Texas Holdem Statistics - Do You Have Hold em Power?
Texas Hold Em is a popular poker game that has simple basic rules but unlimited potential for strategy. Thats what makes the game so popular. Its easy to find yourself in a position where youve been dealt your hole cards and dont really know where to go from there. You might ask yourself, Do I play my cards, do I concentrate on what the other players are doing or do I practice not giving away my strategy with tells? As a newbie, you could be very uncomfortable right now and actually, it has nothing to do with the potential of losing money as much as the embarrassment of not understanding how to respond when it comes your turn to act.
The answer is: play your cards, know the odds and play them.
Look at it this way. The law of averages determines the odds of any particular card coming into play. The cards in your hand are naturally only in your own play; the flop is shared.
So, if you decide to play your gut instinct, and not calculate the odds simply because its too much trouble, plan on losing over the long term. Why? Thats because now the odds are against you.
To help you determine the odds of improving your hand, count the number of outs you have available. For example, if you have 8,9,J,Q, (between your hole cards and the flop) you have four outs of drawing the 10 (any suit) to improve your hand. Then multiply that by 2 and you now have an 8% chance of getting that 10. Likewise, if you have 8, 9, 10, J, you have two outs the 8 or the Q (any suit) and your odds have doubled. Can you calculate the odds of making a straight flush if the cards are all suited?
One of the better ways to learn the odds is to deal yourself a game at the dining room table. Allow for 4-6 players and move from hand to hand, making a judgement and calculating your odds at each hand. Remember that the community cards count for everyone but based on what youre holding, your strategy may differ. Of course you wont be able to bet against yourself effectively, but at least youll understand the potential of what youre holding.
The next place to apply your newly discovered knowledge is an online game. Here you can play almost anonymously, even for free if you like. Here you wont need to face your opponent with anything more than the cards you play on screen.