Keeping Squirrels Out of My Garden!
Dan needs suggestions. “I'm trying container gardening. Whenever I plant something a squirrel comes by and digs it up, even a tiny seed. I've tried moth balls and WD-40 but no luck. Do you know of any thing or any way to discourage the tree rats from messing with my little garden?”
I’ve had the same problem. They also like to bury their nuts in my containers, in the fall. I told Dan that the only thing I know of that truly works is to put screening or hardware cloth across the exposed soil.
You really have to do that at planting time or it's impossible to get it in there. I seem to remember someone suggesting a layer of pebbles or gravel too, but I haven't tried this out. So We’re hoping to hear what’s worked for you. You can use the “comments’ link, below. Thanks.
Photo: © Marie Iannotti