Information on Toenail Fungus And How To Identify It
Some subjects are better left to private places, and admittedly toenail fungus is one of those topics. There are a lot more people than you realize who contract this type of fungal infection. If you ever develop any type of fungus growth on your body, then you really must see a doctor or treat it with non-prescription medication. If you are interested to keep your toenails, or fingernails, then you must apply treatment for this type of infection straightaway. This kind of fungus commonly develops in toenails, but you may certainly get it under your fingernails also. Higher humidity with low light promotes the development of this fungus, and that is why it is referred to as toenail fungus. Toenail fungus also needs to be treated because it is communicable not only to others but can spread in your body.
One of the first symptoms of toenail fungus is a discolored nail. Many may disregard this because it looks like somewhat grimy nails. A noticeable giveaway with it, however, is those spots cannot be scrubbed clean. That inability to clean the infected nail is one thing to bear in mind. You can rubbing hard but the dirty appearance is not going to go away. Left untreated, you will see your affected nail eventually grow really dark in color. The wise thing to do at any point is to apply a non-prescription toenail fungus treatment or even go to your doctor.
You will quickly find yourself having more issues to deal with if you don't have the toenail fungus treated. There is some variation, but the toenail itself will turn weaker and even appear to become thinner. But then again, you will also find some who develop thicker toenails because of the infection. Other signs are flaking of the nail, or the nails become chipped or damaged easily. The outcome will be loss of the nail completely with severe instances. Another indication as the infection becomes more serious is a more or less foul odor emitted by the affected nail.
Other symptoms include pain which can be a real issue with toenails and wearing shoes. This type of fungus actually develops on the nail bed, and that is the reason the initial symptoms can be seen beneath the nail. Under the nail is so perfect for this fungus because it actually consumes the protein, keratin, that is part of the nail itself. It's possible that toenail fungus could thrive in lighter environments, like fingernails, but it does best under toenails because of less light. In terms of what could cause the fungal infection, tight fitting shoes worn all the time as well as poor nail care. The best growth conditions may happen as a result of a skin pH that is outside of what is typical.
More often than not, you can prevent toenail fungus from forming in the first place with proper hygiene and nail care. Since toenail fungus is contagious, then you should take care in public areas that are wet such as swimming pools and locker rooms at gyms and fitness clubs. Treating toenail fungus can be done either topically or through drugs that have to be taken orally.
One of the first symptoms of toenail fungus is a discolored nail. Many may disregard this because it looks like somewhat grimy nails. A noticeable giveaway with it, however, is those spots cannot be scrubbed clean. That inability to clean the infected nail is one thing to bear in mind. You can rubbing hard but the dirty appearance is not going to go away. Left untreated, you will see your affected nail eventually grow really dark in color. The wise thing to do at any point is to apply a non-prescription toenail fungus treatment or even go to your doctor.
You will quickly find yourself having more issues to deal with if you don't have the toenail fungus treated. There is some variation, but the toenail itself will turn weaker and even appear to become thinner. But then again, you will also find some who develop thicker toenails because of the infection. Other signs are flaking of the nail, or the nails become chipped or damaged easily. The outcome will be loss of the nail completely with severe instances. Another indication as the infection becomes more serious is a more or less foul odor emitted by the affected nail.
Other symptoms include pain which can be a real issue with toenails and wearing shoes. This type of fungus actually develops on the nail bed, and that is the reason the initial symptoms can be seen beneath the nail. Under the nail is so perfect for this fungus because it actually consumes the protein, keratin, that is part of the nail itself. It's possible that toenail fungus could thrive in lighter environments, like fingernails, but it does best under toenails because of less light. In terms of what could cause the fungal infection, tight fitting shoes worn all the time as well as poor nail care. The best growth conditions may happen as a result of a skin pH that is outside of what is typical.
More often than not, you can prevent toenail fungus from forming in the first place with proper hygiene and nail care. Since toenail fungus is contagious, then you should take care in public areas that are wet such as swimming pools and locker rooms at gyms and fitness clubs. Treating toenail fungus can be done either topically or through drugs that have to be taken orally.