The Third Sunday of Easter

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Acts 9:1-6, 7-20; Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19 The celebration of Christ's resurrection from the dead at Easter continues as we journey toward Pentecost on March 23rd.
Many children, young people and adults have been baptized as new believers and confirmed as members in Christ's church during these past two weeks.
Those who are already disciples and believers are being re-commissioned in the mission work of the church Last week our scripture emphasized the personal belief of each person as he or she is confronted with the reality of the resurrection.
This week's scripture in Acts 9:1-6, 7-20, brings us the account of Saul's (Paul's) conversion on the road to Damascus.
Paul journeyed to Damascus on his "death-march" against Christians in Damascus when a brilliant light from heaven blinded him.
He heard a voice saying "Paul! Paul! Why are you persecuting me?" (Acts 9:4) Paul wasn't immediately converted at that moment but was told to journey on into Damascus and to stay at the home of Ananias, a Christian in Damascus, so that he could be healed and then continue his journey.
Through Ananias' loving care, Paul's sight was restored.
Paul experienced a true conversion experience which he shared in a synagogue of Christians.
Paul began proclaiming in other synagogues in Damascus that Jesus was the Son of God.
It is important to recognize that Paul's conversion took place through the total support of the surrounding Christian community and the love and care he received in the household of one Christian.
Psalm 30 is a song of thanksgiving from David to the Lord for delivering him from his enemies and for restoring his health.
The scripture in Revelation (5:11-14) is that of praise from "everyone in heaven and earth, and from the dead beneath the earth and in the sea" exclaiming that all should worship the Lord for all the blessings bestowed on all creation John 19:1-19 is the third account of Jesus appearing to the disciples after his resurrection.
Jesus was standing beside the Lake of Galilee and made himself known to these fishermen through the miraculous catch of fish in verse 6.
Jesus asked Peter three times, with minor variations, if he loved him.
When Peter answered him in the affirmative, Jesus' response each time was to "feed his sheep" (John 19:15-17).
These three questions perhaps reflect Peter's three-time denial of Christ in the courtyard of the high priest.
This exchange is often referred to as "Peter's Commissioning" by Jesus to care for "his flock.
" There are three men who are designated as instruments of God in the above scriptures: Saul (Paul), Ananias, and Peter.
All were "commissioned" in a sense to carry out God's work on this earth.
Eastertide, and more specifically this Third Sunday of Easter, is the time in which all of us are to consider how we, as individuals, have been designated as an instrument of God and in what ways we can continue his work, and the mission of his son, Jesus, on this earth.
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