DVD Duplication Has Multiple Artwork Specifications for Printing Services
DVD duplication Sydney artwork specifications are used for:
€ For use with Illustrator, Photoshop
€ Please Include 2mm Bleed
€ Ensure Artwork covers inner hub (Note: Printer will automatically cut this to spec)
€ Ensure Fonts are Embedded
€ CMYK Colour Space
€ Save as 300dpi
€ Supply an accurate proof / printout for referral
€ Supply as PDF, PSD, EPS or Ai
Set Up - Files including bleed should be provided so that the print is returned at the finished sizes. Make sure that all artwork is centred within the document page and any excess work is not left on the board.
Imposition & Folding - Requiring a particular imposition or folding, DVD duplication Sydney artwork must be supplied by printed proof which is imposed and folded as required.
Bleeds - 3mm bleed on all sides is required by all artworks. All the text and images must be at least a further 5mm from crop guides as cutting is only accurate to about 1.5mm while chopping small items. The background image should go to the file edge so that all the text and logos are 8mm from the edge.
Resolution - Artwork supplied lower than 300DPI will blur the print. PDF should have overall resolution of 2540, individual line art resolution of 1200DPI and bitmap resolution of 300DPI.
Colour - Delete unused colour swatches from the palettes so that specified DVD duplication Sydney colours are completed and saved in CMYK.
Ink Coverage - It should not be more than 240%.
Type - All the fonts used must be embedded or converted to outlines.
Transparencies - This function is used in Illustrator to generate flattened files to convert them to PDF or bitmap.
Overprint - Unless required no design element are set to overprint.
Quark feature - Resize the files in Photoshop rather than Quark and impose to their full size.
Photoshop Files - All the files must be flattened before saving.
DVD duplication Brisbane artwork should only be generated in Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark Xpress and Acrobat and saved in PDF, EPS, TIFF or JPEG format. It can not be emailed if the file size is less than 10 megabytes so supplying on CD is a better option.
Additional Services
€ Real time HD Frame rate conversions with Dolby-E encoding on 3Gbps Snell Alchemist
€ Most comprehensive Technical Assessment (QC) services, from file or physical media, SD and HD
€ Aspect Ratio Services
€ E-cinema, DCP and iTunes file creation and upload
€ CD/ DVD/ Blu-ray mastering and authoring
€ CD-R/ DVD-R/ BD-R DVD duplication Sydney and disc printing
€ Professional Recording Media and Data Media Distribution
€ Disc replication services