Getting Rich Quick - You"re Already Wealthy
Just posing the question is a cliche in its own right.
We live in a society of instant gratification and economic decay.
Getting rich quick has become the mantra of many, many people.
You hear it, see it, feel it and sense it everywhere.
It's all about money all the time.
But, as bad as we all want to be relieved of our rising burdens of debt, and to live that omnipresent but elusive life of leisure, maybe there's no better time than right now to realize just how rich you already are.
Believe me folks, I am writing this for myself at least as much as for you.
I need to hear this and be reminded of it on a daily basis.
Oh, do I ever.
Do you have a family and loved ones in your life? Do you have friends? Do you have pets? Do you have a job? Do you have a house? Do you have a decent place to live? Do you have food on the table? Do you live in a country that you love? Do you have an education? Do you have a car? Do you have a bike? Do you have a hobby? Do you have more material possessions than you know what to do with? Do you have faith? Do you have hope? Do you have dreams? Do you have desire? If you can answer "yes" to any combination of the above, then you are already rich.
Notice, I did not mention money.
You don't need money to be rich.
Of course it's a nice commodity, but it's way down on the list, if you really dig deep into what you already possess.
The key word here is "already.
" Yes, we do have to provide for our families, and unfortunately, we do have bills, and many other monetary obligations.
So to say "you don't need money," is a bit trite.
But, in the big picture, it's still way down on the priority list.
If you realize how wealthy you already are, maybe the addiction to making more money won't be two halogen headlights staring you straight in the face and causing your (and my) unfairly warped perspective.
Money and wealth are not synonymous.
It's all about how you relate to them.
Money is only one type of many other types of wealth and riches.
I like to look at money as icing on the cake of life.
Cake without icing is always delicious.
It's just that icing makes it a little more so.