How Does Hand Sanitizer Kill Germs?
- We learn early on in life is to wash our hands. Washing our hands with soap and water lifts dirt and germs off the surface of our hands and rinses them away. When soap and water are not available, the next best thing is hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizers kill germs on contact. You can be prepared at all times.
- Hand sanitizers are made up of ethyl alcohol, inactive additives such as water, other alcohols and fragrances. Ethyl alcohol is the active ingredient in hand sanitizer and is designed to kill germs. However, this is only effective if the concentration is between 60 and 95 percent. Any less than 60 percent will not be sufficient enough to kill germs and is pointless in using. According to Elaine Larson, professor of pharmaceutical and therapeutic research at Columbia University's nursing school, when speaking about hand sanitizers and people who buy them, says to "look carefully at the label before they buy any of these products."
- When you place hand sanitizer into your hands, make sure you have enough. According to the Centers for Disease Control guidelines, you will know when enough is on your hands if it takes longer than 10 to 15 seconds for your hands to dry. If it takes any less time than this, you need to take more of the hand sanitizer. Rub your hands together vigorously and make sure you rub every part of the skin thoroughly. The ethyl alcohol in the hand sanitizer placed all over the hand is what kills germs.
- Hand sanitizers will not get through bodily fluids, dirt, blood and other grime to kill germs. These must first be washed or wiped off before applying hand sanitizer. Another important factor to consider is that alcohol is applied to the skin when you use hand sanitizer. Alcohol has a drying effect when applied to the skin. Always follow up with lotion after your skin has dried.