Can Small Business Development Solve the Problem in All Nations?
Consider if you will the number of people employed by smaller companies.
In the US it's a staggering number, something like 60-70% depending on which survey you read, and what they consider to be a small business.
Okay so, let's discuss this.
A few months ago, someone told me that the small business model in the US is not the answer to the challenges in all nations.
Further, such a foreign concept wouldn't work and be completely worthless in a good number of nations, as it doesn't fit with their culture.
Well, I'd say I disagree, but I suppose that would also have to do with the exact definition of a small establishment model here in the US.
You see, I believe a Lemon Aid stand to be a small business, and that could work anywhere in the world, where someone is producing and selling what other people need, want or desire.
That's how the free-market works and the little companies are the foundation, thus, do help the economy, and provide jobs too.
While I ran my franchising company, I noted that no matter where I took my "franchise model" - regional variation and tweaking was needed.
And, in that regard those who participate in small enterprises will adjust as need be to fit the realities there, they always do.
Detractors of free-market capitalism would be wise to concede that point as to not look like a fool to those of us who know that reality.
Can 100s of 1000s of small enterprises fix our employment problem? Yes, but will that solve all of our economic issues? Of course not, it won't solve all the economic banking challenges, it will just will get people back to work, which is ONE aspect of the problem, and the "most important" challenge as purported by our government here in the US, just as it would do all nations good to be thinking here, heck, even Fidel Castro, a communist, agrees with that one, albeit because he wants to tax them to death to pay for his exploits and promises to hold the peace.
Small business at the grass roots economic level is a known reality, and yet, whoever said it had to be a one-concept fits all.
If one denies the value of small businesses in economic development, they deny freedom, the right to free contract, and basic liberties of bartering.
So, please consider all this.