Living Fuel achieves new superfood milestone with high score on antioxidant test
(NaturalNews) If you follow the news on superfoods, you're probably familiar with the term "ORAC" -- Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It's a measure of the antioxidant power of a food or substance. You may not be aware that there's a new, more advanced ORAC test available today: ORACFN.
ORACFN measures the food's ability to protect against oxidative damage caused by five common radicals: hydroxyl, peroxyl, peroxynitrite, singlet oxygen, and superoxide anion. This is designed to provide a more accurate assessment on how the substance being tested might function in the human body.
I've been a customer and an advocate of Living Fuel products for many years (, and I've always known they offered potent antioxidant protection, but I didn't know exactly how much until recently, when Living Fuel ran the ORACFN tests on their superfood products.
The results? Quite impressive.
LivingFuel Superberry (my favorite product in their lineup) scored an astonishing 119,200 on the ORACFN test. By comparison, Goji Berries score 25,300, and raw elderberries are 14,697. Apples score 6,681 on the ORAC scale, and raw blueberries score 6,552. (Source:
The highest ORAC value on record for a common food is cloves, which score an amazing 314,446 (cloves are also an ingredient used in Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas, as is cinnamon, another high scorer on the ORAC scale).
In terms of superfood, it's very rare to find a complete product measuring over 50,000 on the ORAC scale. Here's what KC Craichy, the founder of Living Fuel, had to say about the test results:
"This new level of broad-spectrum antioxidant testing confirms what we have known for years about our leading-edge, high impact superfood. Living Fuel products provide broad-spectrum antioxidant protection which is dramatically more antioxidant protection than any of the wine-bottle antioxidant products, grape juice, vegetable juice, green tea, and grape seed extract can provide."
What's truly impressive about all this is that Living Fuel tastes fantastic, too. The Super Berry formula remains one of my favorite super food products to this day. I take it with me to Ecuador every chance I get in order to have some "fuel" to enhance my diet there. It provides more than just antioxidants, too, because it contains complete plant-based proteins, omega-3s and thousands of different phytonutrients not even mentioned on the label.
What's in Living Fuel
Check out the Super Berry Ultimate product here:
The first four ingredients are:
Non-GMO brown rice and non-GMO yellow pea protein, Freeze-rried Organic SuperBerry complex (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cranberries), Stabilized rice bran and Whole raw chia seeds.
The rest of the product is made with sea vegetables, enzymes, probiotics, amino acids, herbs, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other ingredients. The vitamins are found in extremely high-end forms: The Vitamin B12, for example, is methylcobalamin, which is far superior and roughly ten times more expensive than the cheaper cyanocobalamin found in more common nutritional products.
Living Fuel isn't cheap. It's not supposed to be -- it's a premium product made with premium ingredients. It's used by professional athletes who compete in the Olympics, mountain climbers, martial arts competitors and many others. It's what I take with me when I travel so that I can have real food in the hotel room, even if I don't have access to fresh groceries. With Living Fuel, some water and a Blender Bottle (to shake up the beverage), you've got a meal anywhere in the world!
It's no exaggeration to say that for the last several years, Living Fuel has been a very important part of my diet. I credit it with keeping me healthy and productive, even when dealing with the stresses of moving internationally, learning a new language and dealing with the many challenges that life throws our way.
I earn nothing from the sale of Living Fuel products, by the way. They've never paid me a dime, but they have provided me with the gift of this really amazing superfood. To me, that's priceless.
Get some for yourself, if you wish, at -- and try the Superberry Ultimate, you'll really enjoy both the taste and its remarkably high antioxidant potential.