The Secret of Nine Weeks Pregnancy and Mood Swings
That's what you may have right now on you're ninth week of pregnancy.
Nasal congestion, even nose bleeds, is a usual occurrence during this period.
You can use vaporizer to prevent this pregnancy episode.
The fact that you're already on your ninth week of pregnancy is not an assurance that your morning sickness will stop at this stage.
In fact, fatigue, queasy stomach, dizzy spells are just part of your ninth week of pregnancy.
Don't worry now.
You're almost done with your first trimester and normally by that time morning sickness is done with you.
As for the baby, congratulations, by week 9 we have a developed heart! And as early as nine weeks of pregnancy, if you and your partner are up to it, you can now know the gender of your baby.
Isn't exciting? But that's not all, during week 9, the tail of your baby is almost gone and the head's continuously growing.
Don't freak out if during the ultrasound you see that your baby's head is larger compared to the other parts of his or her body.
That's but normal.
Even the position where it's curved onto the chest is also typical.
By this time, the tip of your baby's nose is prominent enough to be seen during ultrasound.
Another great thing about the ninth week is that you baby can now make small movements.
You can't feel the movements yet but again, these can be seen during ultrasound.
The baby's crown to rump measurements this week is 20 mm.
The baby should also weigh around 2 grams by this time.
For mommies, week 9 is the stage where mood swing is at its peak.
You're happy this minute and irritated the next.
You're laughing now and crying later.
This may sound and look crazy but again, normal.
Usually pregnant women only have to say two words to explain what's happening with them during this stage.
These words are: PREGNANT, HORMONES.
So if you're crying over a greeting card or spitting mad over unsolicited newsletters online, then it is fine.
You don't have to feel guilty about it unless you're using your condition to hurt or abuse someone.
Don't get upset because you can't fully control your mood swings.
Eventually, your mood will get back to normal.
The best that you can do during this period is to take as much rest as you can.
Even people who aren't pregnant get grumpy if they don't get the rest that they need.
You're with child; you're resting for two people so make sure you have plenty.
For dad, patience is a virtue.
Even if you can't understand why your partner is mad at you, don't hurt her feelings.
You're her partner, you'll know if she's just having mood swings or really mad at you.
So try to be the calm around her mood crazy and everything will be fine.